FRANK B. SHELDON 3/22/1935-10/1/2007

Frank B. Sheldon Master Image


Prior to my Dad’s death on October 1 of 2007 I started my journey towards Spirit back in early 2007 and at the time I never knew Spirit already had those plans in the works. I started working with Spirit in the Paranormal at a friend’s house which was extremely haunted and a huge eye opener for me and I was hooked. Paranormal investigations, Spirits, recording them and learning everything I could learn about these very real interactions with those i could not see, but knew they were there.

In the early spring of 2007, my wife and I moved to Suffield Connecticut and it was then I received my first bout with Telepathy, which at the time I heard what was asked of me and I followed through with it. I just assumed it was my thoughts but would find out soon enough that was not the case. I was told to go downstairs and shut my bedroom light off and lay on the bed and aim my digital camera at the window. After I did this, I was astonished at what I had seen and not just one Spirit, there were more.

After studying this photo, I was just left with the why’s? and wondered what was this all about? I would put the photo away for the rest of 2007 and revisit it again in the Spring of 2008. In 2007 that would be the hardest year for me as I would be introduced to a whole new set of situations in my life.

One as I would later be told in 2011 that I was an unconscious Empath. After I read what that meant I did my best to learn my lessons regarding me trying to over help those hurt souls in this world and to stop trying to do everything within my power to save them.

That was not good for me and was not good for them even though I thought I was doing them a favor, and in the end It was not. The second and hardest was the death of my Father had hit home in my soul and I knew inside it was time to change and with that no better time than then to start Meditating and exploring further into the world they called the Spiritual Realm. Not long after my Dad’s death he came to visit me in a dream and that would encourage me more and that motivated me to start Journaling my Dreams in a log book.

The Spiritualist Medium Reading

On September 25, 2007 I experienced a Spiritual Reading with Elaine Kuzmeskus from Suffield Ct. Elaine is a Spiritualist Medium and has taught at Lily Dale in New York State and also taught Psychology and Parapsychology at various colleges in New England. The information she provided for me was pretty darn accurate on many levels, from health issues, to people crossed over to people alive today. She would mention one statement in the reading that didn’t make sense to me, but 6 days later it would be extremely Prophetic.

Here are a few audio clips of the Spiritualist Medium Reading that I received.

Elaine hits home with mentioning our deceased friend, who she would of never of known that and my dad, who she nailed him to a tee.

Just a few days before my dad’s death I would tell him what Elaine mentioned in that his father was around him. I remember the day I told him this as he was silent after I mentioned this to him. Elaine described dad like she was family and knew personal things.

Medium mentions a white Net master image

The Medium told me my Paranormal work would be held up by a white net. I had no idea when she told me this on September 25, 2007. On October 1, 2007 I was with my father at the Hospital when he died and i looked up and saw the white net around his bed while he just passed. I cried my eyes out even worse because everything Elaine said about the white net was true and after that I took a short break from Everything. Here is the audio of Elaine mentioning the white net.

September 30, 2007 I went to visit my dad at the hospital and made up my mind that I was going to stay there overnight with him, but it was too uncomfortable. I woke up on the morning of October 1, 2007 and in my thoughts I said I am not going to work and I need to see dad. When I arrived two people were in there checking their watch and they told me its almost time.

The next minutes were the hardest minutes of my life as I cried and told Dad he could go and that his father was waiting for him on the other side. When I said that to him and held his hand it was within a minute and he was pronounced dead. My Dad’s death of my Father had hit home in my soul and I knew inside it was time to change my life. With that there was no better time than then to start Meditating and exploring further into the world they called the Spiritual Realm.


It was 52 days after my Dad’s Death and I had wondered up to that point if he was ever going to give a sign to someone in the family? On November 22, 2007 I would go to bed and I had a dream about how I opened a book and there were people dancing inside it on a stage. The location looked like New York City and then I woke up and later documented it in my monthly journal book.

My First Dream Confirm!

11/22/2007– Dream of opening a book, a stage and people dancing in a story book in New York City.

12/1/2007 (Confirmed) I went to see the movie Enchanted, at the end of the movie a storybook opened and there were people singing and dancing in it. The movie was set in n.y.c.

To watch the ending to the movie Enchanted showing the Storybook scene click- HERE

Up until that dream confirm I never payed any attention to my dreams in the sense that I thought any of them would come true. Seeing the storybook at the end of the move hit me like a firecracker, as I thought of the dream and it made 100% sense to me that indeed it was a prophecy dream. More importantly on this night was another dream I experienced about my dad.

12/1/2007- I had a dream that my deceased dad was staring at me and chewing on a piece of meat, he was standing up and looking me dead in the eye. He never said a word to me and only kept chewing on the meat.

12/5/2007 (Confirmed) I woke up wondering what in the heck that could of meant? I logged in my monthly journal book and on that day it came to fruition as I went over to check on my mother’s welfare. She told me that she has just about run out of food to eat. I thought right off about the dream with my father and that made sense to me and I explained that to my mother.

I told her that Dad was chewing on food and that had to be a message to me about her, but at the time I had no idea what he was doing? This was still new to me interpreting my dreams, but later on I would find out that Dad would come in more times with Confirms.