7/10/2014- In the year of which the Cross Roads seemed apparent we sold the home in Suffield Connecticut and at that point I had not found a job yet, so in the mean time I would continue to work at my job I had been at for years in Massachusetts.

There had been a few people that I wanted to say good bye to that were important to me in my life. One of them was someone who entered my life in 2007 and would become of of my biggest challenges of my Spiritual life time. Upon the very first time we met it was funny, but in that I felt a connection to her.

I didn’t understand it, but over time we had a few conversations and that is where my caring for people took off in a new direction in my life. The friendship was funny and it was sad, sometimes very painful in the sense where I felt she was not really giving back to the friendship that I was giving to her. But at the time I did not realize that in early 2007, and now it was 2014.

When the connection was made to talk to each other, it was very nice and I had found out that she had a room available for rent in her home. I needed a place to stay and it worked out perfectly, but how would we go from a tension at times past friendship to actually living together until I found a job in Maine?

Living in the same home was actually nice, we got along great, she lived her life and I lived mine. We would sit at the table and eat together and at times talked about our past and the mistakes we made in that. There would be a few back yard parties there and my friend, she had a guy friend who really loved her and would bring coffee and flowers to her once a week, and it was nice.

She told me she was not interested in him in that way, but they were very good friends. It seemed over the course of living together for a few months I learned a little more about her when I went into the Cellar to do laundry and she came downstairs. She started to argue with me and I couldn’t understand what was going on?

We got into a big argument over nothing and I said I was leaving and moving out and she said good. Well I packed up and left, and she actually called my wife and told her that it was my fault and my wife just listened and agreed with her. When I called she told me to just say sorry to her and go back because I was still working at my long time job and needed a place to stay.

I went back and said I was sorry and she started crying and we hugged. We went inside and that conversation was never talked about again, but the next day she admitted to me that she was Bi-Polar. That made perfect sense as to why she started up with me to the point where it was really crazy in the home. I told her that I would support her in any way I could and go to meetings with her.

There came a point where I was in bed one night and realized I had to get out of there, as I was not happy living with her anymore in that home. I could not sleep one night and that is when something took place that never happened to me at any point in my life since my dad had passed in 2007.

My eyes were closed and I asked Dad for help and to get me out of there and within a minute I saw my dad’s Dalmation dog Hopi. He popped in my mind’s eye for a brief 2 seconds, then I saw my dad onstage with a guitar in his hand.

He was standing in the center of the stage and waved and walked off the stage. I knew exactly what that message meant, in that he said the show is over and said goodbye and I knew this was exactly what I needed to do in my life.


My Deceased Dad's dog seen in my mind's eyes master image

I couldn’t believe it, since my dad died in 2007 I have never seen him ever within my mind’s eye awake before, and only in dreams did that ever happen. I would eventually find a job in Maine and move out and our friendship just died after that, never to talk again.

8/28/2014 My life has really been changing since I started my journey, first it was the Paranormal. My love for taking Spirit photos and recording spirits in my home, then my Prophetic Dreams which seemed to be more important than anything. The Paranormal didn’t mean as much to me anymore as blessed as I was to receive during that time period.

But I never thought the change would happen again as my dreams and charts are now taking a backseat for my love of giving readings now. I once said healings were not the most important thing, well yes they are and that is now the true love of my life. I cant imagine where spirit is going to take me next?


11/2/2014 Not only has change affected me with my Prophecy dreams as I have not had one dream come true since July. This has never happened before, since I started charting them in late 2007. Its funny how things can affect us and Theresa’s Knee replacement surgery has been the only thing on her mind. The therapy and the pain, the whole process of healing etc and since all this she has not seen many Spirits since her surgery.

Yes she saw one in the bedroom last night, but not many since. She saw them here at the new home before the surgery. This was one of the last things she saw while we were living in CT, the place where we both saw things in that home. 

Clairvoyant Vision Master Image

11/4/2014 Time will tell on whether my Prophecy Dreams start to kick in again as the last 3 months while i have not dedicated tracking them in my notebook or here..i have not experienced one. Some have said now that I am doing Psychic Readings that may be replacing the other one because i am concentrating so much more time into doing them now…..Time will tell and personally i find this interesting while my life has changed drastically in moving and starting another job etc….could that have any bearing as to why nothing over the past 3 months? Or is it time for them to just cease for awhile??