This page was created to show Communicating With Spirit that I received. This is not a full list of them, but some very interesting ones that I will always remember.


Every once in awhile Theresa will receive a name when she wakes up with her Clairvoyance and back when we lived in Suffield Ct. she woke up one night and read the name “Lieutenant Pierre S. Phillips” and that was it.

The next night she saw a Soldier in Uniform standing at the end of the bed and we thought maybe perhaps that spirit was the one who put his name for her to see the night before. I told my friend at work and he found this online…Somewhere i swore i read that his body when shipped back to the United States stopped In Connecticut.

He was not from that area and I will always wonder?? Was this Lieutenant the same one who visited us in our bedroom a few years back and was indeed a Soldier??? She could only see the outline of his body and face and could not confirm that it was indeed him.

BORN JANUARY :DIED NOVEMBER 1896-1918 1 October Edmond THE ROLL OF HONOR 137 SECOND LIEUTENANT PIERRE S. PHILLIPS 59th Depot Brigade, Eighty-third Division. Died in hospital at Langres, Haute-Marne, France, on October 23, 1918. 2nd Lt. PIERRE S. PHILLIPS

BORN AUGUST 6, 1887 DIED OCTOBER 23, 1918 Lieutenant Phillips was born in Lutes-ville, Mo., on August 6, 1887. He was educated in the Christian Brothers College of Caruthersville, Mo. Previous to entering the Second Officers Training Camp at Fort Sheridan, 1st Company,he was city attorney at Caruthersville,Mo. Upon receiving his commission, he was assigned to the I 59th Depot Brigade as Battalion Adjutant at Fort Sherman.

He was then ordered overseas, sailing on January 31, I 91 8, as a casual officer.Upon his arrival in France he was made Assistant Zone Major with head quarters at Montigny-le-Roi, France. On the 1 6th of October he was taken ill and removed to a hospital at Langres, w^here he died a week later. Lieutenant Phillips was married to Miss Llewellyn Barry of Hot Springs, Ark., on July 19, 1913, who resides in Caruthersville, Mo. Besides his widow, Lieutenant Phillips is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Phillips, who also reside in Caruthersville. SECOND LIEUTENANT


2LT Pierre S Phillips Master Image

Image from page 138 of “The history and achievements of the Fort Scheridan officers’ training camps” (1920)

Credit for image goes to


10/4/2012 I cannot be anymore happier than I am now to know once again that my Spirit guide has pretty much bailed me out once again. I lost a important set of keys and i looked everywhere i could think of to find them and nothing. For the last two days i looked at home…at my vehicle and each time two to three times nothing. I just went upstairs to meditate on someone and i set my intention for that person and i couldnt get the keys out of my head.

I asked to please allow me to concentrate on the person…and nope. I was told they were in my vehicle and to go to the passenger side, the same vehicle where i had checked 3 times already. So I jumped up went out to the garage and opened the door and looked on the floor and nothing, then i stood there and looked in the slot on my door and there they were…I thought i looked there….LMAO!!! I went inside told Theresa that my guide told me where to find them and in 2 days of looking..there is no way!!!! I am taking credit for finding them…tonight i blew a big fat Kiss to my guide and heck yeah i love This!



10-4-2013 (Dream) I was in a room with my wife and coming out of another room i saw a white flash image briefly and knew it was spirit. Then a female in her 20’s appeared in front of us wearing a T shirt and she was tall it seemed like she was almost 6 feet with long hair down to her shoulders. She only lasted in front of us for a few seconds.

Then a third time she came and appeared again though this time she stayed longer and as she was in front of us she was doing all kinds of hand motion gestures and did not speak at all. I could see her lips moving and then she put two of her fingers in her mouth in and out and i had no idea what was going on here? I grabbed her hand and i could feel the solidness to it in the dream, then i woke up. I realized that she looked like my deceased niece Jennifer.

I got up from the bed and told theresa about it and she said a tall girl was here recently standing near the bed and i told her that she looked like my niece jennifer who died a few years back. This really touched me today and when i left for work i got a text from the night before and my sister told me on the text she saw her deceased daughter in her home yesterday and she was stunned.

Yesterday was her daughters birthday who died from a od a few years back and people believe the boyfriend did it to her. I was also told by my facebook friend who is friends with my sisters family that my oldest niece now has experienced some dreams where her deceased sister is putting her fingers in my nieces mouth and trying to gag her with them.

This is to me a total confirm as i have not been speaking to my sister’s family of late and i feel this is a wonderful healing for me in the sense where i feel my niece knows this and even more greater for my sister who really had the confirm of her girl showing herself to her yesterday on her birthday.

Jennifer Smith My deceased niece who came to me in a dream master image


Today was one of the most beautiful, loving confirms that Spirit has given me in some time i actually dropped to my knees and just thanked God for what i was given. Today i was doing my practicing work for my as i call them long distance alone psychic readings for this one person in another country and to the question i was to ask..i was given a answer of a name…little did i know that the name had a much significance to the person involved in a way where the answer was a object that leads to a place of peace.

A name that is not very common but the confirm was to me very much the answer this person needed to hear. Now comes the biggest one..i was told by Spirit something today amongst my busy work day but i heard it. When i got home today my wife explained that when she was out at a physical therapy session she left and for some reason she cannot explain took the wrong exit and ended up in another area of town.

But in that…this area houses one person whom when she drove by this person’s house she thought ooh this must of happened for a reason. When i got home she started to tell me this experience and that is when i dropped to my knees as i already knew as i was told what was to be told. I told her exactly what i was told by Spirit and she totally confirmed it to me as a unexpected showing of love and and confirm made not to just one person but 3 people involved touched to no end. I love God and Spirit so much i feel so blessed lately that i cannot hold it in.


I received a beautiful message from spirit today, via Todd Sheldon. Thank you so much Todd. But that was only the beginning of it. That simple name started a chain of events for me that have led to this realization.

Now is the time. The Tuatha de Danann want their rightful place in the world to be recognized. They want to be acknowledged as the beautiful, wonderful, magical beings of spirit that they are. They want to be respected as the wise ancestors that they are. And they want us to respect their legacy and ourselves as their heirs. We are here to carry on their work. All who honor that will have their help and support in walking their path.

Psychic Message Confirm across the Globe Confirm Master Image

The piece of driftwood my friend named Sebastian whom I was told the name in a psychic reading that led to a place of peace for her.



I just recently finished a Psychic reading for a woman and upon seeing this Clairvoyant message and hearing what I was told I knew something was wrong. I needed to stand back and allow the person to confirm only what i was about to say to her and if so then we could discuss it further. I saw this female coming down a ladder wearing a dress and i could see the view from below her rear end then the Clairvoyant vision ended.

Then I heard a mans voice say…..((“That’s why they keep on trusting me”)) I felt it’s something that had to do with kids. In this mans voice he sounded kind of deceiving and confident in the way i heard this told to me. This was the response from the person i gave the reading to about a man.

“There is a man who is around younger kids he does not know but goes there with other family members”. “He made a joke about a young girls butt as she was bending over” and “He’s deceiving in the fact that he can make himself seem like a better person than he actually is, the people will trust him because no one really knows who he really is.”

We felt this is a very important subject and she told me she will now trust her gut concerning this man who obviously needs to be watched more carefully around younger kids and teens. As with all parents with children…watch them at all times as there are many sick people out there.



12/23/2015 I Just recently finished up a Psychic/Mediumship reading for someone and as i layed back to connect for this person I had dozed off during the connection. During that period i had a dream and upon sharing the dream the person confirmed everything that transpired and i never in my life ever had a dream come true in this fashion?

I saw this guy in a building and shown a photo of 2 people hugging closely, Then i saw the guy climb out the window and then jump off the building. Then i was shown the guy jumping off the building and on the second time when on the ground i saw his hand and wrist moving.

This is what she told me- “When I was younger there was a family that lived up the street from me and In the family was 3 sets of fraternal twin boys. The oldest set being my age there names were jake and josh and Josh had a sleep walking problem and one night in his sleep he crawled through his bedroom window and walked off the edge of the roof falling to the ground, His room was on the second story and when he hit the ground He broke his wrist in the fall.

Prophecy Dream Connection Master Image


12/23/2015 The last thing i heard was “Watching football like Adrian Peterson”

She told me that her Father loves watching football and abused her physically when she was younger. But now as Adults they are closer and we will work a little bit more and try to find out who? told me this in Spirit?
Adrian Peterson Master Image
image credit goes to Mike Morbeck 
Image was not altered in any way shape or form.


 Tonight was Evident as to why doing Psychic/Mediumship readings for people has been the biggest blessing of my life since my Spiritual Development started. Tonight i went over a very brave woman’s reading in which she agreed i could share with everyone here on Facebook. The reading started out as Spirit told me and showed me this. I was told this “plans to fight back” then I heard “I knew that they were doing it.”

Then I saw people running about bedrooms or rooms and i think its about drama. I thought i saw someone running around room to room?
The woman knew immediately that this was about being Molested by her father as a child. She went on to explain later how her mother also became aware of this horror and became involved herself. She explained to me that she does not speak of this at all to anyone but said to me that she knew back in 2011 that there was a reason why I was to be in her life.

See i did a question to spirit back in May of 2011 a day after her Birthday and in that I also heard two people’s names that did not make any sense or confirm to the subject i was asking about, yes a child hurt by his parent. But she saw this post and saw that the two names was her father’s name and her son’s name and that resonated with her for some time afterwards.

She asked me for a reading back in September of 2015 and has patiently waited until now when i just finished for her and all this came to light with Spirit sharing this so very personal info with her. I honor and cherish anyone in this world who has been molested and abused by family or friends for they are the brave ones and i have met many in my lifetime who have experienced this type of horror.



I had tried previously a few times to share some dream visitations with a ex co worker of mine in Massachusetts about his deceased wife, but the messages given to me where just not powerful enough to make someone believe. The last dream in August of 2016 was so realistic and powerful enough that even he confirmed that what his deceased wife showed me was valid when she was alive many years ago.

This morning on August 24, 2016 I had a dream and like 3 times before with her was a visitation dream from someone I knew personally and worked with many years ago. She unfortunately passed in 2002 and was very sad for many who loved her. Her name is Karen Norway and once every 2 years or so Karen comes to me with a message for her Husband Earl.

Today’s was very touching for me as I had tears coming out of my eyes as the dream was confirmed by her Husband Earl from Massachusetts just about a hour ago to me. And my Facebook friend allowed me to share this photo she took of them years ago.

12/20/2013 DREAM– I am sitting at a table and someone in a higher up position where i work was there and so was one of my old co workers who had passed away in 2002. As I was sitting a pc of paper was handed to my deceased co worker and she showed it to me, it was a check. she had told me to sign it up top and in the middle area also and i never looked at it to see really what it was?

Confirmed- At work her husband and myself both received some months later a increase in our Pension that we were not expecting

1/28/2014 DREAM- I was outside and there was a big gathering and i saw some co workers there as it looked like they were drinking. I was sitting at a table with a co worker and his wife who was deceased since 2002. She looked at me and said “you better get that cough checked” i looked at her and i told her i loved her.

Confirmed- I did have a bad cough due to very bad sinus and had gone to the doctor numerous times for it.

12/31/2014 DREAM- I am sitting on a Church Pew with a woman and It was a funeral or church service. We got up and I said “Are you going to say Hello to Karen Norway?” She said “No” and as I looked at Karen she was looking down and was sad.

This morning I had a dream and like 3 times before with her was a visitation dream from someone I knew personally and worked with many years ago. She unfortunately passed in 2002 and was very sad for many who loved her. Her name is Karen Norway and once every 2 years or so Karen comes to me with a message for her Husband Earl.
Today’s was very touching for me as I had tears coming out of my eyes as the dream was confirmed by her Husband Earl from Massachusetts just about a hour ago to me. And my Facebook friend allowed me to share this photo she took of them years ago.
Dream- I see Karen sitting at a table eating and when I saw her I went over to her and kneeled down on the floor in front of her and I said “Karen are you really here?” I then said “Please give me a message for Earl that he will understand and I will let him know” Karen then reached in her mouth and pulled out a tooth and put it back in. Then she pulled it out again and then proceeded to put the tooth back in her mouth again.
I said to her does this mean Earl takes a tooth in and out of his mouth? I woke up and then called Earl at work this morning and shared with him the dream and he confirmed that in his life there are major things going on and he confirmed that Karen had 3 teeth that were partials that she could remove and put back in her mouth.
He also shared that he wondered how she was doing and today’s dream I feel uplifted both of us so much and I am honored to be the one to be able to be her messenger for her husband who loved her so much. I love Spirit!!

8/24/2016 Dream- I see Karen sitting at a table eating and when I saw her I went over to her and kneeled down on the floor in front of her and I said “Karen are you really here?” I then said “Please give me a message for Earl that he will understand and I will let him know” Karen then reached in her mouth and pulled out a tooth and put it back in. Then she pulled it out again and then proceeded to put the tooth back in her mouth again. I said to her does this mean Earl takes a tooth in and out of his mouth?

Confirmed- I woke up and then called her husband Earl at work and shared with him the dream and he confirmed that in his life there are major things going on and he confirmed that Karen had 3 teeth that she could remove and put back in her mouth. 

3 Times she did that same motion as she was showing me it was 3 teeth.

UPDATE 4/3/2022

Last night I had another visitation from Karen and almost 6 years later than the last one I experienced. When I woke up this morning I wanted to see if her birth date or death date matched or was close in timeline to my dream of 4/2/2022?

I searched online and found that Karen had passed on 4/1/2002, within one day of the month of her Anniversary of her passing.

4/2/2022 Dream- I was visiting my former employer, and as I was in the building I walked by Karen Norway. I stepped back and said “Karen!” and she smiled and asked me if I was coming back to work here and I said that I was just visiting and moving to Florida was the best decision I ever made in my life.

She was helping her husband doing some inventory work or something to do with papers as Earl was in the other room I did not see him, but he was there.


Karen Norway Communication From Other Side Master Image
Karen Norway Gravesite Massachusetts Master Image


Image taken by Wanda Alter 



I have often wondered when I receive Telepathic messages, exactly who is giving them to me? A good amount of times when I was doing my Readings to people I would have the messages come through my thoughts. This was the case on 9/19/2008 when I left the house and headed towards my favorite restaurant in Massachusetts.

I was driving up Shaker Road in Enfield Ct near the Correctional Facility when I got a message within my thoughts to step on it, the guy in the pickup Truck is going to run the stop sign. I drove faster up the hill and I saw the Pickup truck start to come down the hill, and i just made it out of the way going over to the left side when he never stopped coming down the hill and totally blew the Stop Sign.


Enfield Ct Hill Master Image


Broken Ornament Master Image

1/8/2015 I was asked by a Facebook friend If I could connect to Spirit and try to figure out how her Christmas Ornaments were getting smashed in her cellar? She believed that these were not natural events taking place.

I went into meditation and asked my Guides to connect to her guides and allow me to receive information pertaining to the smashed Christmas Bulbs.

Then I asked directly for the lady “Who broke the Christmas Ornaments, can you come forward?”

I heard a voice say “Him getting hit!” Then I heard a voice say “No Abuse! No Abuse!”

I then asked for more information and can the Spirit come forward who smashed the bulbs?

I was shown a female from the neck down, she had layers of clothes on. It was like she was falling or just moving downward. I got the impression that she would not show me her face for some reason?

The woman told me that she and her husband fight all the time and sometimes hitting is involved. Also her mother always wore layers of clothes and the fact that she would not show me her face was perhaps due to her being ashamed to do that?

Below is a public Social Media post that I was given permission to share about the reading i gave to her.

Just finished going over A Psychic/mediumship reading and was given permission by the person to post some interesting tidbits i received over the past few days. Spirit came in and mentioned to me about “Raiding the Bacon and the woman said her deceased father used to say that. I also heard ” I need God in my life” and she explained to me that she says that all the time.

I was also shown a person like they were slipping on ice and their legs were flailing back and forth and she told me a few weeks ago she fell in her kitchen. In the past i had done a reading for her cause something in her cellar was smashing certain Christmas bulbs and she asked me to find out who was doing this and when i asked, her mother showed herself to me from the neck down.By the way she was dressed she confirmed her suspicions of it being her dead mother who hated her and something her mother told me.

This reading she felt again it was her mother as Spirit came in and told me “Who threw a towel in there”? and she told me “I remember my Mom asking who threw a towel in with the laundry where it didn’t belong”.There were other private things told to me by spirit i cannot post here out of respect.



5/19/2014 I had done a practice reading for a Facebook friend who is ill and quite frankly told me that they did not want to die. I was granted permission to post this and this was exactly what i had asked in my intention for this friend.

I just asked for a message this person need to hear about most with the pain illness that they are going through in their life right now. This is what i heard told to me to to convey back to her, “LAZARUS AND THE BLESSED MOTHER.”

This is the exact passage that is underlined about Lazarus that this person had underlined in their Bible awhile back and has drawn so much strength from hearing this from me through God and Spirit. Now Lazarus is not a name i ever use or ever think about?? I had found this to be very touching on both our parts…Love God…thank you!!

Bible Passage Master Image



10/22/2015 Mystery solved and in the most unexpected of ways!! The other night theresa read a message from Spirit in the air that said just stopped in to say hello..we wondered who it was? Last night she asked who was it that said that to me and later on the name Peter Lamica showed up in the air.

Peter Lamica now one may ask who is that?? Well he was a friend of Theresa and her family. He died we remember in early 2000. This is a complete shocker!! We cant stop talking about this…Spirit is awesome!

Here is Peter’s Obituary CLICK- HERE



12/20/2015 Theresa wakes up early this morning staying at her daughter’s house and she read a Clairvoyant message in the air. It said “Tell her Saint Denis”
Neither of us ever heard of Saint Denis? But….interesting he can be invoked for protections against Headaches. Someone very close to her daughter and is family is not doing well and getting worse and most of the issues has stemmed from their head.
St. Denis Statue Master Image

Credit for Image goes to

‘Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P.

Image licensed under

Image was not altered in any way shape or form.

Denis of Paris was a 3rd-century Christian martyr and saint. … Denis is the most famous cephalophore in Christian legend, with a popular story claiming that the decapitated bishop picked up his head and walked several miles while preaching a sermon on repentance.


To read a wonderful Article on St. Denis CLICK- HERE

To watch a video which takes you directly to Youtube CLICK- HERE



12/20/2016 Last night I feel it happened again as a friend from my childhood about 8 years old we were back then, the father came to me in a dream last night and told me he missed and loves his wife so much and He cried to me while he hugged me and his son. I may of only said hello to that man once in my life as he was always working. This morning I found out he is deceased.

12/19/16 (Dream) I am at my childhood home in Massachusetts when i was 10 years old and I jumped up and flew through the trees to my neighbors home up on top of the hill. I stood next to a tree and saw the father and 2 sons working on a boat and David turned to me and i asked him if he knew who i was
and he told me that he did not know?
I told him I was me and then the father Charlie turned to look at me and then I was shown a small Mobil sign, like Mobil gas and he told me that he misses his wife so much and loves her and put his arms around me and started crying and he hugged his son and me all together and then I woke up.
Here is the Obituary of this man as this morning I found out he passed in 2013 and he also loved boating and was part of Gas stations for many years. I have not had any contact with this family since 1974 and I do believe this dream means something great, especially on the Holiday coming. Here is the house he lived in as shown on google earth, notice there is a boat and trees near it.
Charles E. Kott Sr. (1940 – 2013)
FLORENCE – Charles E. Kott, Sr., 72, of Florence, passed away Friday, Aug. 9, 2013, at home, surrounded by his loving family.
Charles was married to the love of his life, Joyce (Damboruckas) Kott for 52 years. He owned and operated several service stations for 20 years in Florence and Northampton.
Charles enjoyed and loved his time at his camp in New Hampshire, and was nicknamed “Captain Horn Blower” by friends and family. He also enjoyed boating and snowmobiling, but most of all, he adored his family, grandkids, and his many friends.
Link to the Online Obituary CLICK- HERE


4/12/2019 About 30 minutes ago In my thoughts I thought hey why not meditate using Clairvoyance and Clairaudience to find like a quarter outside somewhere and allow Spirit to guide me to find one. This is practice for when I continue doing missing person cases for a few families I was helping a bit ago.

4/12/2019 I can’t believe my eyes as I just sat in my seat in the movie theater and there sits a quarter. I did not meditate to find this I just listened to my guidance and I was brought to this one.

psychic confirm of finding a quarter master image


6/26/2019 I was at my home computer and i started to doze off when I heard a voice say “546LR has black smoke coming out.”

6/27/2019 Started dozing off at my computer last night when Spirit told me something that tipped me off that was going to happen. I waited today and knew exactly what they were referring too and it happened! I texted myself 35 minutes before it took place to show my co worker. Mx arrived to check out the aircraft a few things were done and the aircraft was ready to go.



2/8/2018 I just received 2 messages from Spirit for someone, the first message a short visual movie where I saw a man going up to another man and saying “Dan Weed” to him. The second I received was another short movie where I saw some people standing and moving in a court room. The most interesting thing I find about the Way Spirit communicates things to me sometimes is they don’t always give me someone’s full name.

What happens is they will say the person’s first name then the second name or word that is someone or something else that connects also to that person. So basically it’s a 2 for 1 LOL!! The person confirmed both and told me that yes they know a Dan and his friend comes up to him and uses like a Code Word “Dan…. Weed?” because Dan gets it from the guy. They told me that he is going down a very Rocky path right now in his life and the courtroom is his mom who has Jury Duty soon…. I love this work!!

Psychic Mediumship Reading Info master image