I was alone this late afternoon walking along taking photos at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford Connecticut. Nobody was around me when i took this photo of what i see as a young girl standing near the sidewalk near some the flat headstones. There are no bushes or shrubs in this spot and i have never received this image like many others again after that time i shot it. Hard to tell but it almost looks like a black cat is right in front of her on the ground.

As with any photo, the farther you get away from it the more blurry and pixelated it gets. There was nobody in the Cemetery in that area at this time of afternoon, especially not a young female. I checked some of the surrounding Headstones to see if there was a young girl who passed, but I did not see any who died at a younger age.

Images presented below are not reflections of myself or anything that is a known object or image that is in my home or other places. Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.

Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the Olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera. All images seen are what i see and may not reflect what your eyes see or don’t see.

Cedar Hill Cemetery Ct. Spirit Girl Master Image
Spirit Girl In Cedar Hill Cemetery Connecticut Master Image
Spirit Girl At Cedar Hill Cemetery Connecticut Master Image
Young Spirit Girl At Cedar Hill Cemetery In Ct.
spirit girl