Bio My LIfe Master Image

This is my Bio, and first I want to thank you for coming here and getting the chance to know me personally, experiencing what I do, feel, and sometimes see! I am here to speak my TRUTH and just what goes on in my life.

All may not believe my views and comments in my website or evidence presented to everyone. I never will claim to be an expert in the things that I do, I just try to do the best I can. If anything I have done touches you in some way then I have done my job.

I decided to share with everyone through this website the decision I made in my life after my dad had passed in 2007, which was to change my life for the better. This change would not be a easy one as up to that point as I was a fun loving, sometimes rowdy, going out partying type person who loved to interact with the people of this world.

I tried to live a carefree life having as much fun as possible, but never worried about certain aspects of life and the pain that some people endure in their lives. Yes looking back on my world before 2007 I was still doing some the Spiritual work I am doing today to a certain degree.

It’s just I wasn’t recognizing it for what it truly was all about. Even when I wasn’t listening to the Voice within at times and I made certain situations that were beautiful in the beginning of friendships.

There were times in those friendships that I had made them worse. I would later learn that what I had was Empathy for certain people in this world and I didn’t understand exactly what i was doing at the time until late 2011 when I learned I was a Psychic Unconscious Empath.

It was to be in the beginning stages a interest for me in Psychic Development in 2007 after my dads death, and it definitely took on a new perspective on my life once I started to open up and awakened in my life.

A very real wake up call to what I can only imagine a partial of humanity whether small or large is able to experience. I do believe it’s there for everyone if one’s Ego allows change and is open to it. The Experiences, both in the awake and sleep state have been studied and documented diligently in notebooks, Audio recordings of Spirit voices and hours of studying images sometimes deeper in photographs of Spirits and non human looking entities.

The coming of Spirits, Ethereal E.T. looking beings and the communication that has confirmed to us that these experiences were real and to be taken a little more serious. Yes, there has been the rare occasion where in 2008 we were frightened of some of the experiences we have shared either together or alone in this.

Some have been seen or heard in the light of day as others have been there in the hours of darkness. Only those who witness these type of events can truly know after it happens multiple times it’s very real.

Some People tend to judge at the moment ones mental state or feel the need to be aggressive with negativity, quick to comment on ones experiences or Evidence presented. I find that a lot of people try to use their knowledge to what they know, not what could be the truth depending on any individuals experiences.

Most of the time people are judged without further investigation into ones Personal experiences or the chance that maybe one may of been supported by a higher source to receive proof of Life after death or even a possible dimensional world other than the one we live in. Negativity only leads to more negativity yet still a part of society. I believe that some are just not open to the possibilities that exist out there.

Another problem is we have so much fraud out there with people trying to take advantage of others and that only leads to trouble especially where Psychic Mediums are concerned. There is good and bad in everyone in this world not just the Psychic stage and in my learnings and experiences I believe there are amazing experiences outside the realm of norm. Many people are still not open to their higher self and live in a Material world and Spirituality or that higher power is just something they are not concerned about in their lives.

The media seems to control or brainwash the masses and how Spirit or Psychics are viewed in the world today. If you are not of the total Science background some are ridiculed for actually following the truth and what Spirit can and will do for those who can make that connection. I choose the path that makes me a better person for Humanity.

I chose the path that when I die I will have hopefully done my best to touch people in some way in which Spirit has guided me to do. Does it mean that because something is not accepted by some or the masses that makes it not real?

I firmly believe there are many gifted people out there in this world who have a wonderful connection whether it be Spirit-Angels-God whoever? and in those out there I can only hope one day I can do justice for the ones who truly serve humanity and not those padding their own Egos.

While there is good and bad in everyone, once again I choose the path where if i add up all the experiences and the Truths within my life Whether it be the Paranormal or my path to Spirituality, nobody can tell me its not real for I am passed the point of doubting anything anymore. I have a ways to go to learn in this lifetime and I have found out that its only a intention and meditation away from my Spiritual self if I need a question to ask for guidance.

Without the guidance from Spirit or Teachers I have met in my life that I receive or the help I have been given since my awakening, I would never of changed, and who knows what life would of brought me next? Some accept that we are Eternal Spirit first and a physical being second and then be still and work at it. It is amazing the experiences one can have if they listen to the Voice within.



Forrest J Ackerman (1972) Master Image

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It wasn’t until I moved to upstate New York where we moved into a house that the previous family had problems in, a young boy supposedly died there and they moved out. Well it wasn’t long after we moved in we moved out too, water faucets turning on by themselves and that was only part of it.

I moved in my parents home and my dad built a room down in the basement, of course a woman years ago died upstairs in the bedroom and lucky me had a very scary incident downstairs which made me move out.

So some may wonder why i like this? Well because it’s time and with everything that my wife and i had happen over the last year and a half why quit now? I had met a friend at work and somehow the paranormal just came up because of his experiences, then i told him mine and the rest is History.

Spring of 2007 was no different than any other year at first, then months after doing some exciting investigations, I was upstairs at my computer when it happened! I don’t know why but i had the thought in my head to take my camera and go downstairs and go into the bedroom and lay down on the bed and shut the light off in the room and take a picture at our big bedroom window.

We had no curtains it was a total bare window, i was lying down sideways on the bed at a angle about 10 feet away from the window and almost level to the bottom of the window pane itself. I took the picture and that picture that would go on and show some incredible sights. My sister saw the man’s face in the upper part of the window to the right, but other images were there also, too distinct to say the magic word Matrix?

It would be months later i would have that picture confirmed to myself by a woman who is a Visionary Messenger. I won’t go into details about it but it blew my mind what she mentioned, all I know the face was very haunting to me and i couldn’t understand it whatsoever and why it came to me?

As 2007 continued further my life it would unfold into something that I wasn’t ready for, the death of my dad. With that came a lot of pain in my life, with family and well you know what happens when you lose someone you love. As Dec rolled around i figured it was time to get my act together in my life and change as a person.

As mentioned Adele Linsalata has been one huge inspiration in my life for her values she teaches are second to none, for most of the way i am today is because of her. In 2008 I had started meditating and really didn’t know what to expect, but I noticed that I needed to start tracking things, little things,visuals and audio at times, but mainly the peace that my life felt by doing this.

My wife at the time was very Spiritual in God and loves Jesus, but she wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen in her life! She woke up one morning and saw a woman in a wedding dress standing there near the bed, then a older man in pajamas kinda running in place. As the months went by more and more the regularity of her seeing spirits in our home it felt like we were running a Hotel for guests of the past. I can tell you that there are good and bad in this world that most people don’t get to see, as i had 2 incidents of which i will never forget.

So the journey continues of my life experiencing from time to time very interesting happenings of which can’t be explained….that’s why Adele has helped us to the Metaphysical part which to me is a very important aspect of what I do, yes Paranormal and the Metaphysical or Spiritual. I have other things that were told to me by Adele that have happened but for now I am living my life day to day and knowing that the people who are in my life are there for a reason and without a doubt!! God has sent them to me.

The people who come into my life and I wonder why sometimes they are there and then find out its for a reason. The knowing that someday God has a plan for me to help humanity somehow, someway.