A Big Spring Texas Body And Hailey Dunn dream tie in from a dream that I had, then later I found out about missing female Hailey Dunn. This was one of those dreams where I had the vivid dream and just knew something was coming! I posted the dream on facebook, before the first body was discovered. I described the area and what i was told in the dream on Facebook and not long after it would come on the news about a body found in Big Spring Texas.

Up to this point I had no idea about anything related about this story as I lived in the Northeast and how it was woven into a missing Girl case. Interesting how this dream was, as it showed me elements of both the remains that were found of an Adult Male and the killer who was eventually arrested for the murder of the missing girl, Hailey Dunn.


None of these timeline events were known to me prior to my dream I experienced in 2012.

Dec. 27, 2010: Hailey Dunn reported missing. Shawn Adkins, Hailey’s mother’s boyfriend, is the last to see Hailey. He tells authorities Hailey was going to go to a friend’s house, but she never made it.

Hailey Dunn Missing Poster From 2010 Master Image

Jan. 4, 2011: Texas Rangers and the FBI get involved in the disappearance of Hailey. Authorities say the friend Hailey was supposedly going to visit says she was never expecting Hailey.

Jan. 6, 2011: Billboards with Hailey’s picture and missing information are put up across parts of Texas. On this same day, Billie Jean Dunn, Hailey’s mother, admits she and Adkins failed lie detector tests concerning Hailey’s whereabouts.

Jan. 12, 2011: New documents are revealed and Adkins becomes a person of interest in the case. Affidavits say Adkins had previously threatened Billie and Hailey’s life back in February of 2010. Documents about serial killers were also found in Billie’s home where Adkins lives.

Jan. 15, 2011: Cadaver dogs search the landfill in Abilene for human remains, but nothing is found. Authorities later search the landfill in Big Spring, the town where Adkins’ mother lives.

January through February: Prayer vigils and searches continue in Colorado City. Searches by volunteers are hindered for several weeks due to freezing temperatures.

Feb. 25 2011: Authorities find thousands of pictures of child pornography on a memory stick found in Billie’s home and a computer in Adkins’ mother’s home.

March 17 2011: Billie admits she lied to police about Adkins’ whereabouts. She is taken into custody.

March 30, 2011: Colorado City authorities hold a press conference saying they are investigating the case as if Hailey is deceased or under duress.

June 15, 2011: Billie is given a year of probation. Reports say she and Adkins moved to Austin.

June 19, 2011: Search efforts by volunteers dwindle as time goes by.

Dec. 27, 2011: One year has passed since Hailey went missing.


2/24/2012 (Dream) I was in a parking lot and saw some guys with guns walking and I asked “why do they have guns?” The voice told me “Because it’s a Police Academy.”

The scene switched and I was standing in some tall brown and green grass up to my knees and near a chain linked fence. This tall guy just over 6 foot tall, thin with jeans and a tee shirt with hair almost shoulder length in the back told me he just found a body in the grass.

I looked to my left and looked down and I didn’t see the body and the fence was behind me. When I turned back around he was holding 2 large knifes, one of them had 2 upward hooks from the handle, the other I asked if it was a switchblade? The male replied back to me saying “yes”.

I asked him if the blade was 8 inches long and he told me that it was only 6 inches in length. Then he closed the blade and asked me if i wanted to hold it as he just barely was holding the knife as to say here hold it your prints will be on it now. I said “No that’s ok” and I felt like he was the killer.

At this point when I woke up from the dream, I knew something had happened or was going to transpire, pertaining to my dream. I would check every day looking online for a body to be found in and around a chain link fence area with grass. Second if there would be a connection to a guy who had exotic knives in his possession.




Crime Dream Prophecy Post Master Image
Big Spring Texas Prophecy Crime Dream Master Image
Body found not Hailey Dunn master image
Dream of Body Matches Area Master Image

Confirm #1 This is the general area, not far to where they discovered a body located within the fence at Desert Tanks in Big Spring Texas. My dream had a man holding an exotic knife and myself standing near a chain link fence and tall grass.


On this date at approx. 2:30 p.m., dispatch received a call that human remains had been found in a pasture near the 2500 BLK of Apron Drive. The remains were found by workers in the area.

Investigators found that the remains are human but due to the condition of the remains nothing else can be determined at this time. The scene was secured at this time and an evidence recovery team from FBI Dallas will be in Big Spring in the morning to process the scene. The gender and identification of the remains are unknown and appear to have been there for a long period of time.

No further.

Detective Sgt. Tony Everett PIO

***UPDATE 6:27pm***
Big Spring Police tell CBS 7 that the remains are human but due to the condition of the remains nothing else can be determined at this time.

The gender and identification of the remains are unknown but appear to have been there for a long time.

Big Spring is an area of interest in the Hailey Dunn case because suspect Shawn Adkins told authorities that on the day Hailey disappeared that he left his job in Snyder and went to Big Spring, where his mother lived.

Although the remains are of interest in the Hailey Dunn case, there are also another five people allegedly missing in the Big Spring area.

The unidentified remains were found Tuesday in the 2500 block of Apron Drive, about two blocks east of the airport.

Several law enforcement authorities arrived at daybreak Wednesday to begin examine the scene in a field just east of the McMahon-Wrinkle Airport in Big Spring.

This is very close to an airport strip. It`s not a commercial airport as you and I would know it, it`s a private landing strip. They have about 12 to 15 flights a day. Also, it`s the location of a flight school, a flight academy.


Once I began studying more about the body and how much this could of been about my dream, I found out a young female named Hailey Dunn went missing. Even more I found out the mother’s boyfriend had an affinity for knives, exotic ones!

Shawn Adkins Loved Knives Master Image

Photo Of Shawn Adkins/ 2011 Facebook Image

Confirm #2 I was waiting and posted on Facebook for someone to find a body with an association to a knife guy, but it was the merging of two different cases in reality and though the body was of a male, it brought attention to the other case.

I believe my dream was bringing both cases together like what actually happened as Shawn Adkins mother lived only a mile or so from the crime scene. Also waiting for this event to come on the news and not long away was this image plastered all over Social Media.

This is very close to an airport strip. It`s not a commercial airport as you and I would know it, it`s a private landing strip. They have about 12 to 15 flights a day. Also, it`s the location of a flight school, a flight academy.

In my dream the voice told me, a Police Academy, but in reality there is a Flight Academy nearby. Not sure as to why I was told Police as I saw people with guns in their hands, unless it was to show me police were involved with this?

March 16, 2013: Remains found near Lake J.B. Thomas southwest of Snyder.

April 26, 2013: Scurry County officials confirm identity.

June 14, 2021: Shawn Adkins arrested and charged with murder in Howard County.

Video of Shawn Adkins love for knives and costumes of the Bizarre CLICK- HERE

 For Article on the Body Discovered at Desert Tanks CLICK- HERE

Body found at Desert Tanks was a male, CLICK- HERE

For more information about Hailey Dunn and how she was discovered, and her killer apprehended CLICK- HERE