Bethany Anne Decker Master Image

Bethany Anne Decker- Some Intuitive Work I did After She Went Missing


Although I did not do much Psychic work with Bethany Anne Decker I did receive some Impressions that I hope might shed some confirms about her whereabouts? Maybe some of these Impressions I saw and heard will ring a bell with someone local in the area that she lived?

5/24/2011- While in meditation I heard “The wood belongs to the O’neills”. Then I thought Indian and I saw a faint image of an Indian. Maybe this means a set of woods that is near a family named the O’neills? Also this could be someone named O’neill and they are known for their wood in some way? Also maybe someone is of Indian descent? Perhaps there is a person who has wood named Oneill?

My question was “Is Bethany Deceased?”– I saw a blurry Impression starting, then I saw a man with semi dark skin and Pudgy face that looked to be in his 20’s. He was wearing a mask or hat on top of head head and he was laughing real hard, I was not sure if it was an evil laugh or happy?

I would say in my opinion that it was Ronald Roldan I saw in my Clairvoyant Vision and in 2021 he would finally be charged in the disappearance of Bethany Anne Decker.

6/12/2011- I asked “Where is Bethany?” I saw a non clear impression of a building.

6/16/2011- I closed my eyes in the bathroom at work and heard “Willow Tree evening.”

7/2/2011- Bedtime Impression- I saw a building to the right as I was moving along the road, I thought U.P.S. building as I passed by it? Maybe somewhere along this route is where she is?

Sadly as of 10/6/2022 Bethany and her unborn Child are still missing.