Angel Communication Using Numbers Master Image


Angel Communication is something that I never thought that I would be given messages in this form in the way of numbers. What started year’s ago and continues even now in 2022 was that i slowly started noticing repeat numbers showing up. The repeating clocks numbers like 11:11 or 1:11 was just the beginning.

Now i am to the point of humbleness because numerous times now i have been given angel numbers that correspond with my life. In such a way that is so confirming that i cannot deny this is really happening to me. Dreams, awake clairvoyance and awake clairaudience are the ways in which i am receiving these blessings in my life.

I am going to joanne’s angel number website to find the meaning’s to all the messages that i am receiving. There is a knowing from those i believe are the higher powers because these numbers that i receive from them are matched perfectly with joanne’s angel number website.

I would like to Thank Joanne Walmsely for her Page Links and being the Author and all postings of
To contact Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes of Austrailia email

All meanings from text were written by Joanne Walmsley, author of the website below. Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes Australia has given permission on her website to use and share her material.


I had put away my 2010 Journal for quite some time and while updating my website I decided to look online to see if there was an Angel # that would go that high, and I was elated to see there was. This number was not listed on Joannes Angel Number website and listed on Sun Signs website, created by Lara Smith.

2/8/2010 I was in a kitchen in a house and as I was standing near the counter I saw a shadow. Then out of nowhere I heard breathing like snoring, then in my left ear a gentle man’s voice talked to me.

I couldn’t believe this, but I didn’t understand everything he was telling me. I asked him who he was. I said “Are you my Aunt? Uncle? I said “No your not my aunt.” He continued to tell me that he was family, then gave me the #8990 as that was the year he was from.

He told me he came because he knew I was in pain in my life, then I thought wait until i share this with my friend Tammy. Theresa walked in and noticed I was talking out loud to someone, then I told him I was not used to having this happen and I couldn’t understand everything he said.

She said ask him about the bathroom? I was not sure about this, then I tried to answer him and I was gagging food out of my mouth, coming from my throat.

I thought about this later on and late last year my close friend Tammy and I had a falling out. Whoever this voice was talking to me in my dream, seemed very caring to me. In the way the noises that came from my ear started before i could understand him was just soo different.

Here is the Spiritual Meaning, click text > Angel Number 8990 and I found it amazing how much it related to the falling out I had with my friend. Especially where it states about the Angels say I am doing things right and are calling me. Funny in the dream the male voice did call me using Clairaudience as the means to hear.


12/5/2015 (Dream) I am at a Golf Course and a woman is there and she is going to watch my swing and i told her I don’t golf? I took the practice swing and i didn’t follow through correctly and bent my elbows. I told her exactly what i did wrong and she walked over to me and handed me a piece of paper to help me with the number 8 written on it.
I follow Angel numbers and this is what it said on the #8 and some of it totally makes sense.
Set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones as this will ensure your future prosperity. The Universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you put in the appropriate work and effort when and where necessary. You are encouraged to live up to your full potential.
Angel Number 8 tells you to step into your personal power and have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and to use them to their highest potential.


12/6/2015 It seems like the Dream recently where the voice in my dream said 896 to me is really coming to pass now as i follow the Angel numbers in my life. Since i moved to Maine I got a job that i worked at for 9 months and after some continuous bouts of bounced checks on the companies behalf i thought it best to quit. That was back in June and so glad I did but over the recent months it has been very painstaking finding the right job that i loved.

I left that job so happy saying i will never go back, funny ha haa, I have my new job i have been at for about a month now and love it. Today the owner gave me a really nice bonus and he took a female worker and myself up to a place where he bought some stuff for the shop that i had no idea what it was and that only he needed our help.

Well holy Shi!! he drove right up into the parking lot of my previous job that totally went under and now closed selling off the machines etc for auction. That was so surreal walking in the place and seeing the CNC I used to run everyday and a reminder of how good i have it now with my present job that i love.

Angel number 896 that the voice spoke to me in my dream represents…exactly!!!! my life in the past recent times and now and I just started my first Psychic Reading back from a long break and the deceased son of my Facebook friend Linda came through for me and confirmed every aspect of what i told her…What a blessing! 

Angel  #896 tells you that the angels are overseeing the material and economic aspects of your life. Your positive affirmations and prayers regarding your financial circumstances have been heard and are being positively responded to by the angels and universal energies. You are encouraged to continue on your spiritual soul mission with confidence and optimism, safe in the knowledge that all of your monetary and material needs will be met and you and your loved ones will always be supported.


Previous Job Where I was led back. Master Image


1/7/2016 I had just tried to connect to give someone a remote reading and i had a hard time connecting, so while i was lying down i asked my guides and angels if i was doing the right thing? Or what am i doing wrong?

I relaxed and heard a voice tell me “Angel #1392” After reading this it relates to my question and exactly the scenarios going on in my life at this time. This is such a blessing to receive this type of communication while in the dream state and awake knowing that everything given to me is like talking to someone on a telephone as it has answered every question i have thus far. Today’s message hit home like a force for me and is 100% valid.

Angel #1392 encourages you to focus upon your spirituality and soul purpose as a priority. Follow your intuitive promptings and inner-wisdom as they are instructing and guiding you towards your true passions, interests and true life mission. Trust that the angels and ascended masters are supporting and encouraging you every step of the way. Remain alert to guidance from the angels at each step.

Angel #1392 is a message to let go of any feelings of fear and/or self-doubt as they are hindering your progress and spiritual growth. Your angels are sending a boost of positive energy towards your self-esteem and confidence, and are aiding, assisting and encouraging you to take positive action towards your divine life purpose and soul mission.

The angels and ascended masters remind you that you are especially gifted in many ways. Angel #1392 suggests that you have great creativity and communication skills, and with your strong inner-wisdom and ability to see things in a special and/or different way, you are able to be successful at anything you put your heart and mind towards. Use these talents to enhance your own life, and to uplift, support and serve humanity as your soul dictates.

Hold a positive attitude and viewpoint about yourself and your future as this creates your experiences. Ask the angels to help you choose your thoughts from the highest aspects of love. Acknowledge and be grateful for the joys, blessings and gifts in your life.


1/8/2016 I woke up in the middle of the night and with my eyes closed the # 8 was shown to me. I went to my computer and looked up joanne’s angel number meanings and once again this hits home in my life and now gives me added guidance and positivity to move forward from doubts and questions that has arisen in my life lately.

Angel #8 brings an uplifting message of encouragement from your angels telling of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment. It is a message to stay optimistic and listen to your intuition and inner-guidance as you hold positive expectations and thoughts of positive abundance in all its forms.

Set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones as this will ensure your future prosperity. The universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you put in the appropriate work and effort when and where necessary. You are encouraged to live up to your full potential.

Angel #8 brings a message from the angels that financial abundance is on its way to you as you have worked diligently and intelligently towards achieving your goals and aspirations, and your just rewards will be yours. Be grateful for the blessings in your life, and for those yet to come.

Angel #8 tells you to step into your personal power and have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and to use them to their highest potential.


Last nights dream once again has given me another message from the Angels and would be the 4th one that has connected a direct hit in my life. Nobody in this world is invulnerable to pain, sadness and unhappy moments. I have been struggling somewhat with my connections to Spirit with giving Psychic Readings and my Gifts just over all it seems lately. But one thing has stood true for me as during these past few months, the Angels last December had started giving me messages.

So far these 4 profound messages have arrived in two dreams and one with Clairvoyance and one with Clairaudience. Each of these numbers i have been given has struck Gold in each message regarding my life and life path during these moments of uncertainty with my life path and life in general. Last night’s dream was no different…these messages are hammering home the Love they have for me and are NO! coincidences.

These are very direct to my life since late last year. These messages have also gone past the point of looking at a clock and seeing the same time all the time..yes..that is how it started a year ago for me but has increased to this level now. Last night as well Theresa saw 3 Angel images in the air in our bedroom last night just to confirm they are truly around.

2/19/2016 In the dream I am sitting in a chair in a house and looking over at a sofa against a wall and a window near the end of the sofa. As i am watching i noticed a reflection of someone getting up from the sofa but nobody was sitting on the sofa. I knew immediately is was spirit as i vocalized it. The next scene i was shown a digital clock and the time said 6:01

Angel #601 is a message from your angels that the more you view your financial and monetary aspects in a positive light, the quicker and easier it is to manifest abundance into your life. The changes that have been taking place in your life have manifested new opportunities for you to take advantage of, and a positive attitude will assist with all going smoothly.

Angel #601 encourages you to maintain a positive attitude and continue to positive affirm your goals, dreams and desires in order to maintain a steady flow of abundance and prosperity into your life. The angels want you to know that your material needs will always be met as you walk your spiritual path and serve your divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel #601 may be suggesting that auspicious new beginnings appearing in your life are taking place to advance you along your path. Take advantage of these fresh starts to advance your life in all ways and remember that in order to create your own reality you must translate your thoughts and beliefs into positive action.

Once again after heading to the computer and reading what the angel #601 meant it totally confirms what has been going on in my life at the present time as the angels with all of these numbers have been supporting me and trying to hammer home their love. My wife just told me as well that with her clairvoyance she saw 3 angel images last night in the air.


2/27/2016 I woke up in the middle of the night to a voice in my head that spoke the numbers “31 31” to me. I knew immediately this was another Angel message given to me about my life. Upon reading this set once again This could not be any more clearer of continuous story lines of guidance in my life. Since i first received my first message in December of last year from the voice in my dream what blessings of Love that just still keep coming to guide me on my Life path of Love for others in this world.

2/28/2016 I meditated today about my 3131 message told me to me yesterday and prayed to allow the Angels full permission to guide me.

I was told “No more pain”, then I was shown a bump in the road.

Clairvoyant Vision Bump In The Road Master Image

ANGEL # 3131


Been sick with a Stomach bug for 2 days and came home sick from work yesterday because of that. But in all that negative comes a positive as i went to bed during the morning and within a few minutes i was shown the #207 in my closed eye Clairvoyance. This would be the 6th time i have been blessed and i shake my head each time this has happened since it started in December of last year.

Each message has been a direct communication as i have stated 5 times before this latest number that was shown to me. I have been wondering? and searching for exactly what my life path actually is? And this number i was shown gave me information pertaining to that exact question. One may ask are Angels real?? I believe 100%

2/29/2016 I came home sick from work and went to bed and within a few minutes in my closed eye clairvoyance i was shown the #207. This message refers to my constant wonder of what exactly is my life path in my life is? This is what the angel #207 means.

Angel #207 is a message from your angels that the time and effort you have devoted to your spiritual practice, prayers and affirmations will reap long-term benefit. Keep up the great work.

Angel #207 is a message that you are on your divine life path. You have worked hard to define your life purpose and have manifested your desired results. Your angels surround and support you, and encourage you to listen to your intuition and divine guidance.

Angel #207 tells you to have self-belief and faith in yourself, your intuitive messages and your inner-guidance. You are currently receiving messages to do with your life purpose, and your angels encourage you to follow the guidance and directions accordingly. Trust that you have all you need within you to find success and personal fulfillment, and your angels support and encourage you in your spiritual endeavors.

Your angels will nourish your soul with love and joy. Communication with your angels will infuse you with unexplored wisdom and knowledge.


3/17/2016 (Dream) I was in a house and my father was under the covers in a bed and i could not see him but knew he was there. Then these two young girls were near a couch and one of them started crying and pointed at my belt which was on the floor under where i was sitting.

I looked down and she thought it was a snake and then i turned my head to the left and saw 2:78 on the digital clock and i said that my father is sleeping late as it’s afternoon. But i saw the 7 and said there is no 7 that should be there. i woke up and knew it was another angel number.


I remember a time when sad events would happen in my life and the length of time it took to heal from those wounds. There have been a few times in my life I have been guided to help others a little more than most but in those times i have learned much valuable lessons from them. The lessons and learning’s of being a Empath as Yesterday a event happened in my life where I supported someone for their unhappy emotions and even more for their Spirituality in a positive way in their life for the last so many years who really needed it.

The negative was so bad in their life from family members that i tried so hard to keep this person on a positive keel, but the Anger got so bad in their life that there was nothing more i could do for them. All i did was thank someone for being there for them when they desperately needed support and i got chewed up and spat out for just that. I had to end that Friendship which i put so much love and support into and yes i was hurting.

Early this morning i had a dream and in that dream I was shown again a number as i have seen, heard 7 times before knowing that these are messages from my Angels. This number that was given to me once again shares a message for me about that sad event that just took place in my life and makes me so much stronger now than ever before to just move on faster as i did the best i could.

Here is partial of the meaning of that message i got this morning…”Angel Number 494 may also be suggesting that it is time to let go of a situation that has come to an end. The angels wish to remind you that as one door closes another opens, and they are helping you to heal from any pain, sorrow or feelings of loss that may accompany the transition/s that you are now undergoing.”

3/20/2016 (Dream) I am at work and i was asked by someone to go in the office as paychecks were being handed out and the boss said that there was only enough work to last me until friday and then that would be it. I told my father that and we both left and as i got into my vehicle i left and went up a hill and tried to get my navigator to guide me but it was not working.

I then saw 2 roads in which i could take one but i pulled over to the median to get out my map to see which way i was supposed to go. I saw route 494 on the sign and then another vehicle pulled over as well and i said…” ooh you too huh?” Meaning you are lost as well.

Meaning for Angel # 494


3/30/2016 Theresa woke up last night and first a young girl Spirit was next to her side of the bed and she held out a gift box. Afterwards a man was standing there and held out a gift box. When she woke up later she saw a man who reminded her of an ancient man with a long white beard who was holding a gold bowl that was glowing.

She said he was on my side of the bed and when he noticed that theresa was watching him the bowl started to tip sideways a little. Whether he was ready to pour something out of it or there was a flame lit inside? Or maybe it had to do with theresa seeing this and it tilted a little we don’t know? Very interesting thing here with spirit.

 This is a message i had written to the author of her story i found online.

Hello daphne i want to share with you today a set of events that started in late december with my wife and myself and ended in may of this year. I was receiving numbered messages in my dreams and awake with my eyes closed and sometimes i heard them and i would take those numbers and go to joanne’s angel number website to see in exact confirm the messages that i was being shown in my life which matched 100% to what was going on.

Now i just read an article you wrote and i need to share this amazing and true event that took place in march of this year with my wife. We are both spiritual and believe in god and during the months from dec of 2015 to may of this year we were going to be tried and tested with our personal lives. When i was getting these number messages my wife woke up in march and saw a ancient looking man with beard and he was holding a golden bowl in his hand and she said it was glowing.

Then the bowl started to slowly tilt to one side and then he vanished. Anything and everything anyone ever wrote on the golden bowl of prayers being tipped to answer the prayers is so valid as it happened to us and my wife was witness to this spirit looking man. We never in our dreams understood what that meant until i looked online and read that this is actually a biblical meaning and to have this event take place for us was so amazing.

Yes our prayers were answered as i received an amazing job in may when things looked like our personal life was going to fall apart in a big way…they came through for us and showed us that the miracles do happen. Both of us are clairvoyants and i just wanted to share this with you.

Below is the link about the golden bowl of prayers:

Below is the likeness to the clairvoyant vision Theresa saw on march 30 2016

Ancient Man Holding Golden Bowl Of Prayers Master Image

After my wife and i received all the previous numbers and her clairvoyant experience of the older man with the golden bowl in our bedroom, our prayers were totally answered on all fronts. Every number corresponded perfectly to our life and when she saw the elder man holding the bowl and it was tipping over we knew it was coming and everything just fell into place.


7/10/2016 After a silence of receiving my Angel Number communications I finally had another when i woke up and with my eyes closed saw the number 105. I could not wait to see what that meant this time and as I quit drinking on May 28th of this year….what a confirm this message is in my life and other things they want me to do.
It was the day before I was talking to family saying I have not really noticed any significant difference in stopping having any Alcohol, but the night I saw the 105 and when i read what it meant…I just knew some of it was about that. This would now be the 9th Angel Message number given to me Via Clairvoyance, dreams, or Clairaudience.
Angel Number 105 is a message from your angels that the choices and life changes you are considering (or currently experiencing) are the right ones to make as they bring you to your authentic self and pursuing your true soul purpose. We create our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions, so make sure that you maintain a positive attitude about your life and lifestyle choices.
Angel Number 105 indicates that your ideas, thoughts and positive mind-set are creating and manifesting the much needed changes in your life. You may find new and different ways to get things done the way you want them. Trust that the angels support you in your endeavours and continue to affirm your desires to the angels, and be receptive, appreciative and grateful for all that comes to you.
Angel Number 105 brings a message from your angels that you are to ask for Divine guidance to gain clarity in regards to the life-changes you are contemplating and/or experiencing. Trust that your intuitive urges are leading you towards a successful outcome. Keep your thought-patterns and actions positive and optimistic and focus upon your goals and desires in order for them to manifest as you wish.

Bed time Dream Angel #952

8/15/2016 It has been many months since i had done any mediumship readings or any meditations because i had been so busy with so much life stuff that was going on. Now it seems like the angels are coming back and giving me more messages as it started up again now with this message #952

Angel #952 brings a message that the positive changes you are currently undertaking (or considering) will bring you into alignment with your life purpose as a light worker. The world needs your skills and talents and you are being prompted to make swift progress along your path without further delay. Trust that the angels are supporting, encouraging and guiding you every step of the way.

Angel #952 is a message from the angels that you are being called upon to live up to your divine soul mission. Have faith and trust that the positive changes you are making will advance you along your spiritual path. Nurture your passions and interests and explore hobbies, pastimes, careers and/or jobs that are fulfilling and meaningful. Look within and find what warms your heart and allows you to stand in your own truths.

Angel #952 encourages you to follow your intuition and the guidance from the angels in regards to your spiritually based practice, career and/or profession or service-based venture or project and trust that you are on the right path.

This is very true as i have started the beginning of my spiritual based practice and it’s now 2017 and i give psychic/mediumship readings for people.

Look at any areas of your life that may need adjusting and work on yourself from a place of self-acceptance and love. Life is about personal evolution and growth, and learning life lessons brings strength, compassion, love and self-empowerment.


I had a dream this morning with my dad in it and he told me that he will be with me in my journey! Then I was given another Angel Number 1904 this time out of 3100 Angel Number meanings…. and like many before this each one of these are exactly tailored for my personal life.

These #’s that i have received in the past are about as direct a communication for my personal life as me talking on a phone with someone as each one of the previous 8 given has been 100% confirmed. Now I have been given 2 more recently and both are in part telling me to get moving with my Life Mission and hammering me to get back on my path again.

I have given myself a longer than normal break with doing my Psychic/Mediumship readings for people. I have been slacking and they are telling me in every way with this new message what I need to be doing and of late…i have not been doing anything other than making a new website.

8/21/2016 I went to bed and my deceased father came to me in a dream and i was happy to see him as we walked together in a large school hallway, then he told me he will be with me on my journey. As we were walking together he told me that he will be taking woodworking classes and then i was given a pc of paper with the number 1904 on it.

When I woke up I knew right away this was another angel number given to me and what this would show me is another message about me getting back on track with my spirituality and my life mission which over the last many months i have stopped doing mediumship readings etc to take a break and i have been working on my website.

This new message really hits home and tells me it’s really time to get moving along as the work i have done and will do is very important. My life path for me is huge and i have worked very hard to get where i am at now in my life, but these messages are dead on correct and i really need to be focused.

Angel #1904 brings a message from the angels to focus upon your life purpose and soul mission with commitment and persistence. Your lightworking skills and talents are much-needed by the world and the angels encourage you to look to ways to serve others with love and compassion.

You are being divinely guided in regards to your personal spirituality and spiritual pursuits as a lightworker. Devote time and effort towards your true desires and priorities and pay special attention to your intuitive feelings and thoughts as they are giving you insights into your next steps. Your positive love and light is much-needed at this time and your angels encourage you to follow through with your goals and aspirations to do with your spiritual path and life purpose.

Angel #1904 may also indicate that a cycle or phase will soon be coming to an end, with rewards coming from hard work well done. As with all endings it is the beginning of something new, and as one door closes another opens. Look to your achievements and successes and take the lessons from the experiences and use them to your future advantage. Do not fear lack or loss as these endings and conclusions will lead to auspicious new beginnings and opportunities, and your success and achievement will bring blessings and rewards of many kinds into your life.

This message hits home with me on so many true levels as i have not meditated regularly for months, and i have not done any readings for many months. Another reminder to get moving with my path and mission as i have been slacking for a bit now and it’s being noticed. This message is very real to my life right now.


8/30/2016 The message came to me in a dream where a person rested their head on my shoulder and was talking to me about a business. I asked the person if it could fix the flaws and they said it could so then i was given a pc of paper that had the number 742 written on it.

Angel #742 suggests that the strong connection you have with the angels has helped to manifest blessings and positive abundance in your life. The faith and trust you have shown in the guidance you have received, and the positive actions you have taken has fully aligned you with your life purpose. Invest your time and effort in yourself and your spiritual quest or career.

If you have been looking to enroll in a course of study and/or further education, angel #742 may indicate that now would be a great time to follow through with your desires. Work towards a better understanding of your own energies and life purpose and invest your time and effort in yourself, your life path and your spiritual journey.

Angel #742 tells you to keep up the good work you have been doing. Trust that your prayers and positive affirmations have been heard and are being responded to by the angels and higher realms. Expect wonderful blessings of all kinds to enter your life. And remember, you deserve them.

This message once again shows me that in my personal life i am being reminded to start investing time in my spiritual quest or career. I am presently creating my website which is almost completed and it’s time to start doing readings again as the break i took was a long one.

Take the time to plan your life and set your intentions. You have the power to set the direction of your own life, so take the time to plan what you want to do and work towards those goals. Do not allow yourself to be distracted from the plan by minor interruptions. Set your intentions, be persistent yet patient, open yourself up to the small inner-voice of wisdom and follow the plan as guided. With a solid plan and a firm belief in yourself, there is nothing that you cannot achieve.


9/7/2016 This angel number that was given to me in a dream continues to talk about me and who i am and to prepare for changes in my life. My mediumship is very important to me in my life, but i get the sense that i am being pushed to further develop my gifts and learn them in a new way.

There are certain aspects of my mediumship that i can learn to do it a different way than i have done with great results over the last 2 years. I am just getting more of a push to be who i truly am in my life and i am not pursuing it quick enough i feel. The key word here for me is prepare myself for necessary changes in my life and as of now i really don’t know what that means?

Angel #45 is a message from your angels to put your efforts towards the things in your life that embrace and enhance who you truly are, your lifestyle choices and your life in general. Be prepared to make necessary changes that will bring auspicious opportunities to advance you along your path. Trust that these changes will bring ‘better’ into your life in all aspects.

Angel #45 indicates that your angels are asking you to prepare yourself to make necessary, positive life changes. Trust that your angels are working closely with you as you experience these life changes and will help you with the transitions that will take place. Listen to your intuition and angelic guidance as to the appropriate steps to take.


9-16-2016 Dream showing me the # 158

Angel #158 suggests that you take the time to meditate and listen to your intuitive messages as the angels are guiding you through important changes and are leading you towards wonderful new beginnings and opportunities. Trust that all is going to divine plan in your life and you are fully supported in every way.

Angel #158 is a message from your angels that the positive affirmation, visualizations and actions you have taken will manifest your desired results in regards to your income, finances and abundance. Staying positive and expressing gratitude and appreciation will ensure further abundance.

If you have been feeling the strong urge to begin (or expand) a spiritually based practice, career and/or profession or heart-based service, angel #158 may be suggesting that now is an auspicious time to consider your options and take a definite step in that direction. As you honor and follow your intuition and passionately serve your soul purpose, prosperity and abundance will flow into your life. Success on all levels will enter your life with faith, time and patience.


I received another Angel number in a dream last night, the number 90 and as the stories unfold comparing what is going on in my life to what I read on Joannes Angel number website. Once again shares with me parts of my life where I am told to go, or what I need to do to better myself and each number I receive, if I try my best to honor the message my life seems to get more opened, or everything that is around my Spirituality another door just opens for me.

This number here is another confirm in my life of where I am to go and what I am to do. Recently there were some conclusions/phases in my life that have been halted dramatically and like the last paragraph says things will turn out for the best, like a blessing in disguise…This is and has been very real in my life and I feel so blessed.

10/26/2016 A dream where a voice says “Look here” “Look here” and I saw the #90

This is a reminder again of a spiritual practice/career and most importantly true how my life has been drastically changed and there are conclusions that recently took place with me as well that have led me to this point in my life where things are really changing for the positive with my psychic/mediumship development. Angel #90 and the dream.

Angel #90 is a message from your angels that the universal source fully supports your divine life purpose and soul mission. Listen to your intuition as your angels are constantly by your side giving you messages and guidance. You can turn to them for divine guidance and support whenever you wish.

Angel #90 may be seen as a prompt to devote yourself to your personal spiritual path, and may also be urging you to expand or begin a spiritually based practice and/or career  or service-based venture. Follow your gut instincts and intuition and serve your divine soul mision with passion, commitment and purpose. Angel #90 encourages you to shine your light each and every day and in each and every way.

The paragraph below is as real as it gets with my life at the present moment and lets me know to just keep moving forward with love as everything is coming into fruition.

Angel #90 is also a message from your angels that there are impending closures and conclusions in your life, and is a sign that some issues, situations and/or phases are coming to an end. Trust that positive new changes and opportunities will appear to take their place that will be of long-term benefit to you. Even though a part of your life has been altered, halted or dramatically changed, things will turn out for the best, like a ‘blessing in disguise’. The angels encourage you to use your personal will and power to your utmost advantage and to the advantage of others.


11/4/2016 I received another Angel Number – 1680 shown to me in a dream like sometimes before. Then last night when I woke up in my awake Clairvoyance i see 4 words shown to me but only the first one is clear enough to read. The meaning of Angel # 1680 along with the dream and now seeing what I did in my Psychic vision last night just keep showing me time and time again that These Angel number messages given to me are some of the biggest blessing of my lifetime and each one pertains to exactly where my life is going.

11/4/2016 (Dream) I am at a Wrestling Arena and there was a large crowd of people around, then I walked over to the concession stand and saw a beer, then a large Massive Sandwich that the person said to me was really good. Then I saw the number 1680 written on the Sandwich and I looked inside my wallet and did not think I could do that because I didn’t have enough and it was too much for me. FACT that this dream pertains to a certain area of my life.
11-5-2016-I wake up and see the word “MONEY” in my closed eyesight, then 3 other words but too blurry to see. FACT and has everything to do with my future and relating to the dream and the Angel # messages.
A Dream & A Clairvoyant Vision Master Image
Angel Number 1680 tells of self-management and achieving success and abundance due to your personal efforts, intentions and actions. Your financial flow is determined by your expectations, attitude and initiative, therefore, be optimistic about your material and financial aspects and follow through with your plans and ideas. Maintain a positive mind-set as these energies help to manifest your continued supply of abundance in all ways. FACT!
Angel Number 1680 is also a message from your angels that your material possessions and your life in general are in need of de-cluttering. Get rid of the ‘old’ that no longer positively serves you, to make way for the ‘new’. If you have intentions of selling something of material value, Angel Number 1680 may be indicating that the items/s will leave your life quickly and easily and exciting ‘new’ will enter to take its place. FACT!
If you have been considering beginning or expanding your own business and/or income earning venture, now would be a good time to take positive steps to make it so. Stand in your own power and claim what is rightly yours. Strive to do your best and be your best. FACT!


11/7/2016 (Dream) I was with my friend and a voice came in and told me #509


The Angel numbers come and the messages just keep continuing to be true in my life since December of last year. There are times when My deceased dad will be there when I am given a number, or a female friend who touched my life at one time, or like last night Anni Frid from Abba was there and interesting her Birthday is this week and I had no idea.

11/10/16 (Dream) I am in a building and Anni-Frid Lyngstad one of the Singers from ABBA was near me and I spoke with her for a short time. Then just as I was to tell her how much I loved her as a Singer I was interrupted by a young child who got her attention away from me and I never got the chance. Then I was told the number 64 and then I woke up.

Frida Master Image
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11/15/2016 (Dream) It was the tail end of a dream and I heard #154 told to me.


11/24/2016  I asked Spirit for an Angel Number and I heard a voice say “15 Unit”


11/30/2016 Last night’s dream which gave me another Angel number 1001 was part of a dream which In my hand I held in a plastic bag the lives of some Goldfishes. I love my dreams and Angel Numbers.

Goldfishes And Angel # Master Image



12/26/2016 Early this morning I woke up and with my closed eyes saw the number 128 with a white backdrop and I heard a voice say “Angel number 128”


12/29/2016 Last nights dream showed me a few messages in the form of the Angel #’s I have been following since they started showing up in Dec of 2015. I was shown last night the #5, then after the slot machine was pulled in the dream the # 168 was shown to me. One of these messages rings so true within me now and the other makes me wonder on something to see if that will ring true? It’s truly amazing how my dreams and these numbers that i am given to find the answers to on Joannes Angel Number website happens…..but they are.

12/28/16- Dream- I am in a Casino with a few people and as I sit down my other friend is playing another and i got up and pointed to choose the button with the number 5 on it. As the reels spun it stopped on 168. Then I sat back down and put some money into a white box next to the slot machine and realized that it was not a slot machine and i lost 400 dollars. I tried to get my money out of that box and needed help to get it back by a worker there. It was very trying getting it back then I woke up.
Slot Machine Dream & The Angel Number Master Image
Angel #5= Angel Number 5 brings a message from the angels that
important life changes are upon you and these changes will
bring about many positive opportunities for you. The angels
ask that you look upon these changes with an optimistic and
positive attitude as they are destined to bring you many
long-term benefits. Remember to be grateful for the
auspicious opportunities ahead of you.
When Angel Number 5 appears it is a message to do with your
health and well being. Your angels are helping you to make
positive, healthy lifestyle choices and changes that will
enhance and benefit you in many ways; physically, mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. Rest assured that your angels
love, support and encourage you through these transitions,
and if feeling any fears, ask for angelic guidance any time
you feel the need.
Angel#168= tells of self-management and achieving
success and abundance due to your personal efforts,
intentions and actions.
Angel Number 168 asks you to trust that your finances are
being taken care of and all of your needs in your daily life
will be provided for. If you have any fears, concerns or
doubts, ask your angels for guidance and assistance.
Angel Number 168 indicates that your financial flow is
determined by your attitude and expectations, therefore,
stay positive and optimistic about your material and
financial aspects. Maintain a positive mind-set as these
energies help to manifest your continued supply of
abundance. Use positive affirmations and visualizations to
maintain a steady supply.


1/5/2017 I recently posted a dream where I was in a Casino and the Slot machine reels showed me 1-6-8 and upon checking Joanne’s Angel number website it told of trusting that my finances are being taken care of and the abundance and flow depends on my positiveness and affirmations. Well This message sent by my higher Guides just rang true!!

Just prior to that i received another number # 128 and this is what it said. The current flow of abundance is a reflection of your mind-set and high expectations and you are encouraged by your angels to use your manifesting abilities wisely. Have an optimistic outlook and attitude so that you manifest only the best for your highest good. Success can and will be yours.
Totally unexpected today these numbers just became real.


2/17/2017 It’s been over a month since I received any direct Angel numbers through my dreams, awake Clairvoyance or Clairaudience, but last night from a dream I was given the Angel number 77. This just shows me especially after my day I had yesterday that everything I am doing in my life for the positive is reaping it’s benefits. What an amazing number to be given among the many that I have been blessed with since December of 2015.


02/24/2017 I received a dream where an old friend and someone from my past and gave me many life lessons and she kissed me in the dream.

This dream served as a reminder not to get attached to those i am only there to help in my lifetime now. Also this angel number message makes me wonder quite a bit on just what is coming here as this message is quite different than most of them i have received. Some of this is very true of me but some i wonder?

Angel #901 is a message from your angels that it is time for you to make some fresh starts and look forward to new beginnings in regards to the direction of your life and your lifestyle choices. Your prayers are being answered and you have manifested all that you need in your life. Your true spirituality is coming to the fore and the angels and universal energies are supporting and guiding you along your life path.

Angel #901 tells you to keep your mind-set positive and optimistic and your thoughts filled with love and light. It implies that you may be facing some endings and conclusions that will change aspects of your life, but remain positive as wonderful new opportunities will present themselves in quick time.

Angel #901 reminds you that you contribute to the creation of all of the conditions and situations in your life with your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. The thoughts you think create your inner and outer worlds and you have a power or energy within you that you are able to use positively or negatively. You can use this energy or power to choose to create changes in your life that bring you more joy and self-empowerment. Choose to create the best and highest good for yourself and your life and shed a positive light on all in your life and beyond.


3/1/2017 I never tire of just how real and Valid how people receive messages from their Angels! I received an Angel #901 in a dream 5 nights ago and the meaning is exactly! the same message my wife got when I just gave her a 1 question Angel Oracle Card reading.

My dream which also visually showed a past scenario in my life that relates to more recent scenario to be careful to not repeat that same Scenario again as one of my life lessons.My wife just having her 2nd knee replacement and having to go back and to have it worked on again asked me to give her a 1 question Reading. I was guided to give her an Angel Oracle card one.

Angel Number 901 which showed up in my dream “is a message from your angels that it is time for you to make some fresh starts and look forward to new beginnings” in regards to the direction of your life and your lifestyle choices.
Here is Theresa’s Angel Oracle Card I drew for her out of 44 cards. Its amazing that a Amazing medium up here told Theresa that her guides advise her to stop working and retire and it’s time for her now in her life. Days before she was going in for Surgery she fell at work on her knee that was going in for surgery. That we knew was a message to stop doing that work for good.
New Beginnings And Fresh Start:
As one chapter of your life closes, another one is beginning to bloom. Right now you may only notice the first inklings of new growth in your life, so Archangel Michael sends this card to encourage you to keep going. There’s great goodness in store for you! Stay filled with faith and keep a positive outlook.
Possible specific meanings: A healing is imminent.


3/21/2017 last night’s angel number came to me via the last dream of the morning where i was shown a family member who i do not talk to any longer because of extreme negativity. I was placed in a scenario where there was much confusion and negativity and this family member was there as well. When i opened my wallet to pay a friend of this family member for providing the items in the dream i noticed some bills and one of them showed 223 on it. I knew upon awakening it was another angel number and this message hits home was trying to not allow negativity into my life.

Angel #223 Message From My Dream Master Image

Angel # 223 says to “stay positive and do not allow any negative energies or feelings hinder or obstruct you. Push through any negative emotions with the knowledge that you are on your divine. Life path and all is going to divine plan. A positive attitude will reap positive results.”


03-26-2017- #640 last dream of the morning and angel number given to me.
I look at the clock and it says 6:40 and i knew i would never make it to my destination by 7:00. I raced to get some clothes and i picked up a shirt that was wrinkled very badly and i could not wear it because it was that way and i worried.

Keep your focus on your life goals and strive towards achieving them, knowing that success will ultimately be yours. Give any anxieties or worries to your angels, and focus your energies upon your soul urgings and pursuing your true life purpose. Know that your needs will be met due to your diligence and determination to achieve and succeed. Trust that the Universe will send you whatever you need.
Angel Number 640-The negative energies of stress and anxiety repel the energies of prosperity and abundance,so the angels ask that you keep a positive frame of mind and release all worries to them. Trust that you are supported in all ways.
This dream message truthfully tells me to stop worrying and getting distracted about things in my life that I put a time attached to it or sometimes I get caught up in stupid negative energies. I know the areas of my life that this message is all about and to get me back on track on my Life path. It’s not always easy to stay on track in life with it’s outside distractions.


3/29/2017 The last dream of the morning gave me the angel number 1200 which was a message from something happening yesterday in my life and communicated to me by a guy fixing my suv in my dream. Not only that i went to the car dealership for a recall to get fixed today and i saw a female there and she asked me if i needed anything and i said that i needed some cheater glasses cause i left mine at home.

The other woman stood up and said i have some and they are pink and i said i don’t care what color they are and the women and i had a great laugh on that one. So during all this and waiting it got to the point where the woman did something for me very kind and i could not help but ask her if she believed in psychics?

She said yes and her husband had died and i told her i would like for her kind generosity to give her a reading and she was happy! So when i was ready to leave the guy came up to tell me my suv was ready and they noticed a small radiator leak on my suv and funny i told him… last night i had a dream that a guy was fixing my radiator for a leak. Am i upset over that?? No way!! I got to connect with an amazing woman today that beats all the radiator stuff by far.


3/31/2017 This morning’s Dream showed me exactly this way the Angel # 100 coupled with the emergence of the Black Panther I believe as a Spirit animal now entering my life for Reasons that make complete sense to me after reading the meaning. This is how she was shown to me along with the Angel Number 100.

Black Panther’s Power Includes astral travel, guardian energy, symbol of the feminine, death and rebirth, understanding of death, reclaiming ones power, ability to know the dark, aggressiveness and power without solar influence, reclaiming Power. Panther is a powerful guide to have, always bringing a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.

black panther and Angel # 100 master image

Black panther’s power includes astral travel, guardian energy, symbol of the feminine, death and rebirth, understanding of death, reclaiming ones power, ability to know the dark, aggressiveness and power without solar influence, reclaiming power. Panther is a powerful guide to have, always bringing a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.

My deceased father also came to me in a dream this morning showing himself to me as deceased and in a box as i lifted the lid there he was as i was crying, then i closed the lid. My father has done this before showing me deaths to come for family members or had passed that i was not aware of and this one has me a little concerned.


4/17/17 dream i was walking and john basile walked by me and i went to shake his hand and he handed me a envelope which contained 200 dollars. I said to him now go turn this into 40,000 dollars.

Angel # 200 meaning- click  here


4/20/2017 Sometimes in my dreams like last night’s angel number 15 that i received to guide me in my present life shows up as street signs with the number simply just there. At times i am searching for the next road to take in the dream and just amazing and never fails that in my life at the time the meaning to the number is always clearly spelled out for me to where my thoughts are in my life and i feel so blessed.

Angel # meaning- click  here


5/5/17 dream of playing basketball:
i am on the court playing and struggling to make a shot from a distance, then i drove up to the basket with someone guarding me and i made the shot. I picked up the paper and was checking my score and it said 96.

Angel # meaning- click  here


5/23/2017 Very early this morning I asked my Angels a question and no answer came, then I fell back to sleep. The very next dream I received a phone call from a woman that said “613”…….”613″ to me…Hmmm……is this Angel message for me? or is it for the person i asked the question for?

Time will tell…..


5/24/17 dream i am in bed with a woman and i am holding a black pair of panties in my hands then we kiss. I looked at the clock and it said 753.

Angel # 753 meaning- click  here


6/7/2017 I was given 2 last night in the same dream as the Angel# 300 came first, then the Jackpot was won and Angel# 1300 was given. I actually had tears in my eyes this morning as to how these 2 #’s relate to my life and just how things have been moving with me lately. It just reassures me that things are going according to the plan of my life and as told in the numbers some action is being taken as well with me and I feel it and get it! It’s always about love and helping others who need it. 

Angel Number Slot Jackpot Master Image


7/7/2017 I just had one of the biggest Cries in a long time in regards to a person that I love so much! and I have been struggling to give Psychic messages for that person. My 2 Angel numbers that I posted here this morning pretty much sums up what was to come about an hour ago. I was guided to ask that person to do something and they did listen and received a message… exactly the message that I was going to share in the not too distant future with them.

This instruction was not given to me by me closing my eyes and connecting psychically, it was given to me clairaudiently out somewhere and I listened. They followed the instructions on their end many miles away and one may say the odds of choosing the right object to receive the message was staggering but the result was one of the most amazing confirms I have experienced in ages. My friend by reading the meaning of it by a Famous person not long afterwards . Yes the quote given by Martin Luther King and its meaning was exactly where I was headed in the not too distant future with my plans to support this person. I had no idea this quote ever existed but the meaning within is where the love exists.


6/26/2017 I asked last night b4 bed and received another Angel number message in my last dream this morning. The Angel # 650 was given and how it just resonates with my life and almost seemingly directed at my current spiritual work going on right now… here is the meaning of The message.

“The angels are with you, helping you through current and ongoing changes and you are encouraged to go with the flow as it will lead to personal happiness and success on many levels. The angels wish to commend and congratulate you on your choices and send you blessings, love and support.

“Each and every soul you meet is unique. Each has different spiritual needs and must experience what is needed for soul growth. Our lives consist of learning lessons from our experiences, both the positive and negative.


7/11/2017 Last night was an interesting dream night i was given the Angel #21 and ooh how goes my life and the reminder to stay calm during these changes.


7/16/2017 It all started a few years ago with the clock and this number, but since has spread wide for me through dreams, Clairvoyance and Clairaudience with many other different combinations. Never has one been repeated and last night when I woke up with my eyes closed that 1111 number just showed in my Mind’s eyes. I feel so blessed by this continuation of Communication.
Angel Number 1111 encourages you to look to new beginnings, opportunities and projects with a positive and optimistic attitude as these are appearing in your life for very good reason. Your angels want you to achieve and succeed with your desired goals and aspirations so do not hesitate in taking positive steps and striving forward. Do not allow fears, doubts or concerns to hold you back from living and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.
Angel Number 1111 also encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination and enlightenment to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your ‘lightwork’.

Awake Clairvoyant Vision of 1111 Master Image


8/31/2017 I woke up early this morning with my eyes closed and given this Angel Number 267 and its so on spot!! 
Angel Number 267 encourages you to refresh and clear your energies as when your spiritual energy channels are clear and open it is easier to receive intuitive and spiritual messages. Energies that are light, loving and positive allow for more connection with yourself, the world around you, and the spiritual realm. When your spiritual energy centres are open and clear, auspicious situations, the right people and positive opportunities flow into your life. Intuitive clarity and spiritual awareness put you back in the driver’s seat and allow you to direct the course of your own life.

10/18/17 dream number is #20.

Angel # meaning- click  here


11/22/2017 I received an Angel Number early this morning for someone I asked about when i woke up and I was given the Angel # 2.

Number 2 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability and diplomacy, co-operation and consideration, receptivity
and love. Number 2 also relates to partnerships and relationships, intuition and insight, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission.
Angel Number 2 is a message to have courage, faith and trust in the angels and Universal Energies as the answers to your prayers are manifesting for you, although it may not be obvious just yet. It may be a test of your patience, but rest assured that all will come to pass in Divine right time.
Angel Number 2 may also be a message to display compassion, diplomacy, consideration and adaptability as you passionately serve others in your day to day life. Your angels are encouraging you to pursue your life purpose and soul mission with faith and trust in the Divine.
Angel Number 2 also encourages you to be diplomatic, co-operative and loving when relating to others.


12/10/2017 very interesting experience this morning at 3:28 am with spirit as my dream i had i was outside in the dark. The man’s voice said “you are a chameleon” i looked around and did not see him and i heard it once again. The next thing that was flashed to me was the # 1543 which like many times before i know are angel numbers and then i started to wake up and it felt like an arm was being wrapped around my body and i thought it was theresa, but it was not.

I felt the pressure of this on me, then i started to come out of it and woke up fully in that semi startled state. Once again as i come out of this and wake up fully after being startled, my clairvoyance activates and i can see just barely an image with my eyes open. I closed them and saw the exact same thing and it almost looked like a silver horse head. The chameleon has some very interesting spiritual meanings and some of them i understand fully.

Angel # meaning- click  here


So 2018 arrives and wouldn’t you know I receive an Angel number on New Years Eve in a dream as I am shown a clock with the #12. Ooh how i know there are meanings to this number that rings so true…..I get it there are some changes that need to be made this year to make me a better person and I feel a fight coming on from within on some things….Ooh yeah…

1/1/2018 I had a dream about work and i was shown a clock and it showed 12 o’clock.


2/11/18 Dream of dad as I was watching tv and i heard my father was on wheel of fortune. I watched and saw the slot machine spin and the first symbol was a diamond…the second was a diamond and the third was 2 smaller diamonds. This was the double diamonds slot machine and the amount that was won on the screen was 550.

Angel # 550 meaning click  here


Wheel Of Fortune Slots Master Image




3/8/18- dream- i was standing in a room with a counter and clint eastwood was with me. It was like he was doing work for me and he told me “your father 1943” i said that is the second time you told that to me how did you know? As he walked off to go into another room to have business meeting with others i said there is some money i found on the floor and i tried to give it to him but he would not take it. I started to put my cards back in my wallet, but i was stalling in case he came back as i wanted a selfie with him but he never came back. I picked up something which looked like it could of been a camera eye attached to some metal wires, then two guys came in and i put it down. I left the building and as i was leaving clint was in this huge room with a lot of people having a meeting.

Angel # 1943 meaning click  here

3/20/18- dream of my dad 

My father was walking inside a building business as i drove by him, i quickly looked at my time and it said 6:45. I was on my way to school and knew i had time to make it there.

4/21/2018 I was pulling out 150 dollars out of my wallet.


10/29/2018 Amazing dream this morning and of course the last one where I was given the Angel # 197 and totally matches my life right now!

ANGEL #1135

5/15/2019 (Dream) I was looking at a clock and saw Angel #1135



ANGEL #300

Think the Universe and My Angels around me are not reminding me about releasing those who do not serve me any longer?? Yup received the Angel number 300 in a dream and wow!! did this totally pertained to a recent event…it sure did.

6/22/2019 I saw Angel #300 in a dream.



7/6/2019 I was shot down by a woman I cared about deeply that I know and now I must make some serious changes in regards to her and how I act around her.

7/6/2019 I went to bed last night with a specific thought in mind and how I must make change in regards to a woman i know. 2 dream’s came to me and the Angel #811 appeared to me in both.

Broken Heart Master Image


My dream last night showed me Angel #104 and 100% what I know to be true in my life. Seeing my dad in the dream just confirms that i need to get my butt going and do it!
When this number appears in an angel number, it comes as a sign from your angels that you may need to be more practical and work a bit harder to achieve your goals.
Angel number 104 is a calling from your angels to take up a new project at this time.

7/11/2019 I am running and old type Milling Machine and I got a call where the voice said Todd you have a call on Extension 104



2/8/2020 I was sleeping and when I woke up I looked at the wall and saw a head, then after that disappeared an Outline of an Angel appeared and vanished.

Angel Image On My Wall Master Image


8/21/2020 I woke up and with my eyes closed I saw 1325 moving across my vision.


9/22/2020 I had a dream where I saw the #28

DREAM OF # 3000

10/5/2020 I had a dream of the # 3000