The page Alien Looking Being Visitations was created over what seemed a long period of time. This is a area of my life in which i had no idea was coming? Also it would change the way i viewed everything in life up to this point with the paranormal. It was one thing to have a psychic medium tell me this was coming, but another thing to actually have it happen and continue to happen enough where the confirms kept coming and coming.
Also in this process of the visitations my wife made it plain and simple she wanted no part of them! It wasn’t too long afterwards that they started to come directly to her and made themselves known to her in a way where it almost seemed like they were trying to get her on board with whatever is or was going on, with why they are coming to our home and into our lives?
I will put here a complete and exact timeline of experiences dated and even a image taken with my olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera of a Alien looking being’s head which i would see in my third eye months previous. These experiences as all of my experiences are 100% real as i made myself a promise long ago to be as objective and as honest as i possibly can be with whatever spirit or otherwise presented to me in evidence.
Images presented below are not reflections of anything that are in my bedroom.
Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.
Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera.
5/22/2008 I cannot prove one way or another if this was related to the E.T. phenomena or not? I will add this because it was my first big experience that happened in 2008 coupled with moving of a solid object in my room. For me it was to show me that indeed that being was there and wanted me to know it was no dream.
I remembered waking up and facing the outside of my bed and I lifted my head up but the feeling i had within was a feeling of being drugged. I was barely able to lift my head up to see a dark shadow looking being standing over me next to my bed, and it was just moving side to side right to left. About 8 seconds had passed and i couldn’t hold my head up any longer and it fell back down on the pillow and next thing i remember i woke up to daylight.
The confirmation for me was this, I plug my cell phone next to the bed every night and its directly next to me on the floor and it was stretched out across the rug as far as the cord would allow. My wife does not go to my side nor did i get up that night and accidentally dragged it along the way in the direction that it was. That would be the first time i got to see something long enough to know it was not human.
6/5/2008 This would be the first time I met a woman who I told a friend back in 2007 that i would meet one day and she would be one of the most important people in my lifetime. This would be the very first time we ever spoke in person or talked other than calling her on the phone to make our reservation for the psychic reading. I credit Adele for her most important prediction in my life which will told in the audio here below and while after the reading was over i didn’t take that part too serious, but I was wrong in doing so.
Adele marie is internationally known author, visionary messenger, Metaphysical teacher, Clairvoyant Medium and is the founder of Angelic wise ones-metaphysical academy of spiritual studies.
6/5/2008– Ellicott City Maryland, the Wayside Inn
I saw what looked like a et head through the bedroom door at the top of the stairs just hovering up above them near the railing.
The buzzing in my ear would now start at bedtime.
6/28/2008 The Alien looking head is seen.
I sat at my computer in the late afternoon and put my head back on the chair and closed my eyes and about 10 seconds and a head which looked like an Alien gray popped in for a few seconds and vanished. I jumped up and came to the realization that something really is going on here with what Adele had told me and i had no idea where this was going?
8/31/2008 Not long prior to this day my teacher had told me to stop taking photos in the house and go deeper and concentrate on my meditations so i stopped. I would be meditating and i would see after so many minutes with my eyes closed my point and shoot camera and i knew right away that meant to start taking photos again.
September 1,2,3,4,5,7,12- The buzzing in my ear started up again each night at bedtime.
9/2/2008- Photo of the Alien looking head
I had got home from work and pulled out my camera because i was receiving more spirit images on my camera and when i entered the living room something told me to stop. I lifted the camera up to my face and snapped on at the window and i took a few more around the room and put the camera away without checking them at that time.
9/3/2008-Alien looking head found at work on camera
In the morning i was at work and i took out my Olympus FE-230 camera and started looking around the monitor to see if i could spot anything out of the ordinary. I got to one and i was just about to delete it when i noticed it in the center of the window, i enlarged the image on the camera and actually backed up and said to myself you gotta be kidding me!
There is the face i saw in my third eye that i saw at home from the june experience. Also this head looked like and had the characteristics of a alien’s face. I really was shocked at this point and also kinda scared as this started to amp up now in my life and again not knowing at all where this was going to lead to? I showed only my wife and one friend at the time and both of them saw it and very clearly as i showed them on the camera monitor.
Here is the image in different aspects showing the alien looking head image from my window. Outside my window is a dark black screen and while some people say its the foliage, upon inspection of the image on the camera it is not the same color as the green foliage background and some suggest the head is in the house and not outside the house.
I feel that in my previous meditations where I was shown my Camera on a few occasions was to get me to this point. My Teacher wanted me to put the camera down and stop the photography and after I saw the visions I was determined more to keep shooting images.
The photos and crops below are originals and enhanced images.
The enhanced crops are only to show the existing image in a different color to show the image better for those who cannot make out what i see or others have seen also.
None of the images have been added to existing photos as they are all 100% part of the photo itself.
The image taken in the window is much cleaner and clearer to see while viewed on the camera monitor itself as it clearly shows the definition of the outside profile of the head and within, which is not the same color as that of the background outside. Also is not anything that is reflecting in my home and as i stated previous this is the head i saw in my third eye months prior.
September 4 2008- Confirmation at work
I went into work and at one point one of the bosses walked by with a man i never saw before and i assumed he was looking for a job. When he walked back to leave and passed by me i looked the back of his shirt and i was thrown for a loop for he had a head image of an alien gray’s head on it. I knew right then and there that was my confirm for that photo i took at my house because in over 20+ years at work nobody has ever came in wearing a shirt with a ET on it.
I would go to bed and i closed my eyes and asked for et information, within a few seconds i was shown a bunch of small screens like for a tv. I was under the impression they were being used in a truck, then it switched over to seeing 2 men walking.
They were in like a building maybe a hanger with two large objects on flatbed carts with wheels. I heard one man say “we won’t need the vehicle once we use these.” This vision was very clear both seeing and hearing whatever it was trying to show me i really don’t know what was going on?
This would also be the second time i have heard a humming noise outside my window in the early morning hours. We have a swamp behind our home and its just a noise that again only has been heard one other time and is not really loud but loud enough to hear it. I got up to look out the window but i could see nothing and the sound stopped.
2009-Theresa And Ethereal Looking Beings
It had by this point been discussed between us and i learned that my wife wanted not part of this in any way shape or form. She was adamant about this and knew full well what was going on with my pictures i was taking in the home and all the experiences that she had mostly been dealing with on a regular basis in the bedroom at night.
I have accepted this with them on my end of course without knowing what the heck is going on and even why they are here in our home? For whatever reason theresa is just as important to accept this also as you will soon read of her experiences with them to the point where she starts to see them and had the once in a lifetime dream with them which affected a illness she was experiencing in her life which soon would go away.
1/22/2009-Bedtime Experience
Theresa saw a faint beam of light come down from the ceiling and was on my chest area.
2/19/2009-First Sighting In The Bedroom
Theresa would wake up and in the air over the bed she saw a et head she said looked like my photo with the same shaped eyes as a gray. She said when she locked her eyes upon it the being quickly changed into that of a little boy’s head. Maybe changing itself to something that wouldn’t scare her or give away its identity of what it truly was.
I looked up and saw 12 ufo’s in the air, then the car theresa and i were driving in went under one of the ufo’s and a hole opened up in the road and we drove into it. The next scene was total darkness and I told Theresa when we get there you are not going to like what you see. I tried to call my friend on my cell phone but had no service and we were falling vertically downward in the dark. (this dream i could actually feel the falling very realistic).
At dinner theresa had said that a black face was next to me while i slept the night before and she said if you are not of the highest and best you must leave. It did leave and as i was talking to her about two photos i had taken on at the window and the other at cedar hill cemetery she looked over to the kitchen doorway.
As she looked over i looked over and saw nothing and when she turned her head back around she said she saw 2 egg shaped eyes just looking at us about 3 feet off the floor. Up to that point the only thing she saw in the daytime was my father who had passed and visited in 2008, this would be another eye open experience for her. Also she said she was not scared because it happened in the daytime.
My wife would wake up and as she described a bug looking Ethereal being next to me. She described the head and it was waving its hands over my body while I slept. She said the fingers on it reminded her of spaghetti and when i showed her a drawing of a mantis ET she said that was what she saw.
Courtesy of Artist David Chace to allowed me to use this for my presentation at Experiencers Speak 1
Theresa had a very realistic dream where she was lying down and couldn’t move and a light was above her, and that was all she could see around her. She heard a voice say “Do not be afraid we are going to work on you.” She then saw the oval almond shaped eyes that she has seen before when awake, peer through the light and she heard buzzing and ding sounds in her head.
She then heard them say “That’s all we can Do” then like a food timer went off and she woke up. Theresa was getting pain for while in the back of her head, she thinks the muscle area and was often very uncomfortable, then they stopped after this.
Theresa doesn’t dream that often nor thinks about negative things and this would be the very first dream of its kind with her. At the time of this writing now in 2013 she has never had another dream with those ET eyes in it again.
4/15/2010 Dream of childhood home and the grays
I was in my home in massachusetts and i was sitting on my couch and i knew the gray’s were looking in the window behind me. I couldn’t see them but i knew if i took a photo i could sitting where i was. Then i could see myself outside looking at them looking at where i was. **this would be a important fact for me with this dream as later on i would get a family member i have not seen in many years tell me she saw a ship near our home one early evening.**
4/28/2010 Facebook friend then the vision at bedtime
I was discussing aliens and experiences with someone i know and the talk was great!!! I would go to bed and close my eyes and after about 3 minutes the light shined within my eyes in the dark. Some white forms came in then a being with a bald head with a high back collar appeared quickly. Then it changed into a juncture of caves there were 3 caves that had red running lights along the top of the cave ceiling.
We were talking with our neighbors at night and I was discussing that I saw a police car and the cop was talking to someone on his microphone and was looking up towards the sky. My neighbor said maybe a UFO? We then got into the discussion about that..and his wife mentioned about in the late summer early fall of 2008 and being up around 1:00 a.m. And seeing a different colored light shining from above and lit up the whole back yard.
She said it was cone like and lasted about 7 seconds then vanished. No sounds no helicopters or planes she didn’t say anything to anyone because like everyone else…they would think she was crazy. My wife would also confirm that she one night would see a strange light outside our yard that lit up the whole area..but i wont confirm it was the same night.
My wife would wake up late in the evening and see a non solid Extra Terrestrial looking being in our bedroom next to me. She said it was waving its hands with long fingers over my chest and stomach area. It noticed her looking and she said if you are not of the highest and best of god’s love and light you must leave. She said it looked over at her and stared momentarily….then it vanished.
This is what I was told recently on the 8/26/2011 visitation in my bedroom with my wife and myself. I asked a woman who is knowledgeable in the field of extra terrestrials and what she says makes sense on how my wife sees these beings.
Todd Sheldon- Erica tell me this, 2009 was the last time of the visitations. Theresa woke up this morning and said an ET was over me doing the hand motions over my body, she said the long fingers the egg head and no nose and those eyes…my question?? Are they spirit ETs? I always said when she sees again I will tell you. He looked at her and vanished.
Todd Sheldon… I just got home from work…Theresa told me when it was doing its waving over my chest area Erica…it saw her watching…then it stopped, so she said in her head…you have to be in the highest and the best of Gods love and light to be here…then it vanished…i just wanted to give you again a heads up as i said if something of that nature came back…i would tell you??
Todd Sheldon- My friend who is a friend of yours says its not a spirit but seeing it as ethereal form.
Erica– I agree……..That was true ET from within a dimension, or somewhat partially de-materialized form. NOT a spirit, but full and whole essence. You are very blessed in my opinion !!
Here is the full conversation I had with Erica.
Here is the face my wife and I have both seen in our home in 2008 and 2009. In my third eye and my wife’s eyes open and just the eyes staring at us in the kitchen during dinner. The activity of the paranormal still goes on now in our lives, but this face we have not seen since early of 2009.
6-05-2008 = I would have the very first photo channeled by a visionary medium it was mentioned and asked if I believed in extra terrestrials? I said I did. It also was told to me that the photo in certain areas was about them and I would have more visitors.
6-06-2008 = I would be at the wayside inn in Maryland and when I looked at the stairs area I saw what looked like a head of a E.T. Just hovering in the air.
6-28-2008 = I was at my computer and I started to close my eyes within a minute or so of relaxing I saw this face pop in my third eye, it lasted for about 2 seconds it looked like a alien head. It would be the same face I would take in the photo and the same my wife would confirm in seeing in early 2009.
9-03-2008 = I was scanning through my photos taken in my house and I found a E.T. Looking head looking at me in the window. I was at work at the time and I backed off and was kind of nervous remembering what the medium had told me months earlier. I felt somehow maybe the camera I saw in meditation was to get me back to taking photos. This photo was not taken randomly..I go where I am guided to take a photo and I took one at this window.
9-04-2008 = I was at work and they brought a guy through the place with a T-shirt on and on the back of the shirt was a extra terrestrial grey’s head. This was about as much confirmation as I needed to know that photo was real. In all my years of working there nobody has ever came in with a et shirt on….especially the day after I found the photo.
12-25-2008 = Tonight at bedtime I asked for E.T. Info and in my third eye.. I saw a bunch of small screens and I was under the impression they used a truck, then it switched over to two men walking in a airplane hanger with a large thing laying on 2 hand trucks. I heard one guy say we won’t need the vehicle once we use these….what was that?? Then I heard that machine sounding noise outside my window this would be the second time, I got up and nobody was there the sound left. There is woods and a marsh in the back and no roads.
1-22-2009 = Theresa said a faint beam of light was coming down from a dark blob from the ceiling to my chest area…related?? Not sure.
1-23-2009 = Dream=I was in a house and my sister came to me upset. I couldn’t understand what she was saying. I told her to speak clearer to me. She said a E.T. Was in the house, so I went into the hallway and there he was a 2 1/2 tall E.T. With a long neck. He was running towards me and I picked him up and held him like he was my child I went to get my camera to get a photo of him and I woke up.
2-19-2009 = Theresa would wake up and see the et looking face I had seen in my third eye and took the photo of before. She said he was above the bed and quickly he changed shape into that of a little boy.
3-23-2009 = Dream- I looked up and I saw 12 UFO’s in the air, then the car Theresa and I were driving in was swallowed by the earth. A hole opened up and one UFO was over the hole and we drove front first into the hole. The next scene was total darkness and I told Theresa when we get there you are not going to like what you see. I tried to call my friend but I got no service. (This dream I could actually feel the falling very realistic.)
3-31-2009 = Today at dinner Theresa and I were talking about my photos especially the one in the window and Theresa looked over to the doorway and a set of green egg shaped eyes was about 3 feet off the floor watching us. She said she wasn’t scared because it was daytime. Also she rarely sees images in the daytime.
6-14-2009 = Dream…I was with my wife and we were walking along a hill, there was another man and woman around. As we walked along the top of the hill, I noticed a sort of game course with blocks of wood shaped like human feet. I kicked one and it rolled over. Then I saw a massive ship in the sky it was huge. Then I saw a light, then they broke off into 6 separate UFO’s then we went behind a home and they flew off.
8-02-2009 = Theresa said she woke up and a face that had scales and small eyes was right in front of me looking at me. This is a spirit image she saw.
8-14-2009 = Theresa’s very realistic dream where she was lying down and a light was above her. She heard a voice say “do not be afraid we are going to work on you”. She then saw the oval eyes pop out of the light and she heard voltage sounds in her head. She then heard them say “that’s all we can do” then like a food timer went off and she woke up. Theresa was getting headaches for while, then they stopped after this. Theresa doesn’t dream that often nor thinks about negative things and this would be the very first dream of its kind with her.
1-03-2010 = Dream- I started levitating upward towards a set of woods, I knew it was about UFO’s and I struggled to get down on the ground. Then I looked up in the sky, a UFO appeared and started coming down, it caught fire tilted and hit the ground. It rolled sideways then stopped.
The door opened and a tiny silver cartoon character alien came out of the door and motioned me with his hand to come in. I ran and yelled move I am coming. I dove in, there was a man sitting down near me and said “going to the bathroom and the way you eat will change as you know it”. There were 3 human looking aliens, their faces whiter and skinnier. I shook hands with one. I knew I wasn’t going home.
4-28-2010 = I was discussing aliens and experiences with someone I know and the talk was great!!! I would go to bed and close my eyes and after about 3 minutes the light shined within my eyes in the dark. Some white forms came in then a bald head with a high back collar appeared quickly. Then it changed into a juncture of caves there were 3 caves that had red running lights along the top of the cave ceiling.
7-21-2011 = We were talking with our neighbors at night and I was discussing that I saw a police car and the cop was talking to someone on his microphone and was looking up towards the sky. My neighbor said maybe a UFO?? We then got into the discussion about that..and his wife mentioned about in the late summer early fall of 2008 and being up around 1:00 a.m. And seeing a different colored light shining from above and lit up the whole back yard.
She said it was cone like and lasted about 7 seconds then vanished. No sounds no helicopters or planes she didn’t say anything to anyone because like everyone else…they would think she was crazy. I have experienced a lot with my wife with spirits and the psychic realm through…and visitations of spirits etc…but anything alien related…now in 2011…nothing.
8-26-2011 = My wife would wake up late in the evening and see a non solid extra terrestrial looking being in our bedroom next to me. She said it was waving its hands with long fingers over my chest and stomach area. It noticed her looking and she said if you are not of the highest and best of god’s love and light you must leave…then it vanished.
This is what I was told recently on the 8-26-2011 visitation in my bedroom with my wife and myself. I asked a woman who is knowledgeable in the field of extra terrestrials and what she says makes sense on how my wife sees these beings.
Todd Sheldon… Erica tell me this..2009 was the last time of the visitations. Theresa woke up this morning and said a et was over me doing the hand motions over my body..she said the long fingers…the egg head and no nose and those eyes…my question?? Are they spirit ETs? I always said when she sees again I will tell you. He looked at her and vanished.
Todd Sheldon… I just got home from work…Theresa told me when it was doing its waving over my chest area Erica…it saw her watching…then it stopped, so she said in her head…you have to be in the highest and the best of Gods love and light to be here…then it vanished…i just wanted to give you again a heads up as i said if something of that nature came back…i would tell you?
Todd Sheldon My friend who is a friend of yours says its not a spirit but seeing it as ethereal form.
Erica- I agree……..That was true ET from within a dimension, or somewhat partially de-materialized form. NOT a spirit, but full and whole essence. You are very blessed in my opinion !!
There was another visit from a bug like entity that Theresa said had long spaghetti like fingers and was waving its hands over my body. I will add this when I find the exact date this happened and what year in my logs.
12-19-2011 = I had lunch with my cousin i have not seen in 35 years and she told me that back when she was 10 years old she looked out the window because the horses were getting riled up. When she did she said she saw a spaceship coming down over the neighbors garden, but because of the horses she thought originally it was going to land but didn’t. Then she saw it take off like a light.
On 4-15-2010 I had a dream of being back at my childhood home which was down in the woods behind my cousins home and perhaps 200 feet from that garden. I would dream of ET’s looking at me when i was in the house. I find this interesting now that this dream would happen last year and why Et’s in the dream would be at that home?? Only then to have her tell me that she would indeed see a spaceship coming down.
I had lunch with my cousin I have not seen in 35 years and she told me that back when she was 10 years old in the 1970’s she looked out the window because the horses were getting riled up. When she did she said she saw a spaceship coming down over the neighbors garden, but because of the horses she thought originally it was going to land but didn’t. Then she saw it take off like a light.
On 4/15/2010 I had a dream of being back at my childhood home which was down in the woods behind my cousins home and perhaps 200 feet from that garden. I would dream of ET’s looking at me when i was in the house. I find this interesting now that this dream would happen last year and why Et’s in the dream would be at that home? Only then to have her tell me that she would indeed see a spaceship coming down.
Image showing my childhood home in relation to where my cousin said she saw the small ship coming down in the 1970’s. There were a lot more trees around our home back then especially in the front yard area as it was not as open as you see it now. Also Borowski’s garden is not there now and more trees have been removed from that homes front yard also over the years.
1/31/2012 Theresa sees ET looking almond shaped eyes over my head while i am sleeping and a set of hands.
3/19/2012 I would go to bed and in the early morning hours I woke up and saw those pixel like images forming with my eyes closed. Then a television Screen appeared and an Alien looking head on it.
4/4/2012 I woke up around 4:00 am and looked up at the ceiling to the most amazing array of lights i had ever seen and theresa was in process of sitting up on the bed. During this approximate 12 seconds i was trying to key in on what was behind all the strobe lights going on and off at a extremely rapid pace and the lights dots that were lit bright all around it.
Theresa had walked right under it as I saw the being up almost as if it was in the ceiling in that rectangle shape. I could make out only parts of the head profile, the neck and the shoulders on it but as there was so much light flashing going on i could not make out what it was that was moving behind it all?
My first reaction was it was a Dimensional E.T. because of it’s size in the ceiling and the shape of what i could see of the upper body. When it was done i couldn’t believe what i had just witnessed and i waited for theresa to come out of the bathroom and i asked her if she saw that light show?
She said no and it’s really amazing she didn’t but i have come to learn that the sightings are sometimes meant for her to see and rarely i get the chance to see something this amazing.
The interesting thing is it’s not easy to find information of this type of event, but I had found as I post this sentence on 3/9/2023 a video clip of the X Files about Duane Barry a Alien Abductee. This showed exactly what I saw with the flashing lights in the bedroom, the only thing is, I sat up in the bed and was not paralyzed like he was. But it was the exact type of flashing lights that I witnessed, fully awake.
Here is the clip of the episode of the X Files and at 1:15 it shows the flashing lights as exactly how I witnessed this in my bedroom, when i was looking up in the hole in my ceiling and the being was up inside it.
Still to this day in 2022, the greatest experience I ever witnessed fully awake since I can remember! 4 years of off and on visitations from Alien Looking Beings, seen by my wife on numerous occasions, like see through ghosts, mostly at night. I woke up to a strobing light and light balls flying out of a hole in my bedroom ceiling. Up inside the hole I saw a being up there and it was moving back and forth behind all the lights flashing.
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Kathleen Marden niece of Betty Hill mentioned to me that it’s possibly a entrance or exit way out of our bedroom.
On 9/8/2012 Experiencers Speak 1 in Gorham Maine I had the honor to speak on my wife and my experiences at home and in our life with the Ethereal E.T.’s and Dimensional Entities that have come here since 2008. I got to speak along side some of the most respected people in the field.
Hello I am not sure if this will directly go to Mary or not if so thank you…Hello my name is Todd Sheldon and I spoke last year at Experiencers speak 1 with Travis Walton and other speakers last year in Maine on the experiences of my wife and myself. I have documented everything times dates etc of our experiences with Ethereal visitations mostly by my wife at night as we both are psychics.
The photo is a original photo of one face I saw in my third eye in 2008. If you blow up the photo in the center window you will see a Ethereal looking gray et looking beings’s head there. I saw this one along with my wife at my home. again center window and you can see the head with eye and mouth open.
Audrey Starborn saw my camera with this image on it and its so much cleaner on the camera monitor than on here. Could you please read the statement below and tell me if anyone has ever experienced anything like this with lights etc..during a visitation? I am and have always been 100% sincere with my experiences and am looking for no gain in what I do…just speak my truth…thank you.
Hello….curious to know if there were ever any Experiences with ET visitations from anyone’s testimonies that some here may of heard about regarding strobe lighting and sparkle lights together with a visitation? I wont get into the visitations that my wife and i have experienced since 2008 as it would take too long, i am only interested in any case studies of this type of event happening.
I woke up and as i looked at the ceiling i saw extremely fast strobe lighting just flashing fast, along with that there were sparkle lights mixed in within all that. Now this all took place up on my bedroom ceiling in a 2 X 3 foot rectangle shape, and within that was a being that i could only make out the profile of the head and neck and shoulder…but understand with all the lights going on and off and the was hard to figure out what exactly is was?
When i saw wife sat up on the bed and proceeded to walk under it and headed towards the bathroom. I had about 12 seconds in which i sat up and tried to figure out exactly what it was as it was moving behind all those lights? I don’t think it was human..but i cannot say def it was a ET.
When my wife came out of the bathroom i asked her if she saw it and she said no, and there have been quite a few times my wife has seen Ethereal ET’s in our bedroom so this isn’t anything new here. I just wanted to throw this out there for those serious in this field as they may have some theories on this? Kathleen Marden told me last year that it might be a exit or entry point of how they enter or exit our bedroom when they come. take care and thank you.
Dear Todd,
Thank you for your email
See below***
On 27 May 2013, at 08:13, Todd Sheldon wrote:
Hello I am not sure if this will directly go to Mary or not if so thank you…Hello my name is Todd Sheldon and I spoke last year at Experiencers speak 1 with travis walton and other speakers last year in Maine on the experiences
of my wife and myself.
** I understand
I have documented everything times dates etc of our experiences with Ethereal visitations mostly by my wife at night as we both are psychics. the photo is a original photo of one face I saw in my third eye in 2008. If you blow up the photo in the center window you will see a Ethereal looking gray et looking beings’s head there.
I saw this one along with my wife at my home. again center window and you can see the head with eye and mouth open. Audrey Starborn saw my camera with this image on it and its so much cleaner on the camera monitor than on here. could you please read the statement below and tell me if anyone has ever experienced anything like this with lights etc..during a visitation? I am and have always been 100% sincere with my experiences and am looking for no gain in what I do…just speak my truth…thank you.
** I understand. Certainly the ‘visitors’ are banking themselves known in more and more ways.
Hello….curious to know if there were ever any Experiences with ET visitations from anyone’s testimonies that some here may of heard about regarding strobe lighting and sparkle lights together with a visitation?
** yes they have
I wont get into the visitations that my wife and i have experienced since 2008 as it would take too long, i am only interested in any case studies of this type of event happening. I woke up and as i looked at the ceiling i saw extremely fast strobe lighting just flashing fast, along with that there were sparkle lights mixed in within all that.
Now this all took place up on my bedroom ceiling in a 2 X 3 foot rectangle shape, and within that was a being that i could only make out the profile of the head and neck and shoulder…but understand with all the lights going on and off and the was hard to figure out what exactly is was?
** One of my cases said after the lights he saw a Mantid being.
When i saw wife sat up on the bed and proceeded to walk under it and headed towards the bathroom. I had about 12 seconds in which i sat up and tried to figure out exactly what it was as it was moving behind all those lights? I don’t think it was human..but i cannot say def it was a ET.
When my wife came out of the bathroom i asked her if she saw it and she said no, and there have been quite a few times my wife has seen Ethereal ET’s in our bedroom so this isn’t anything new here. I just wanted to throw this out there for those serious in this field as they may have some theories on this? Kathleen Marden told me last year that it might be a exit or entry point of how they enter or exit our bedroom when they come. take care and thank you.
** yes some houses/rooms may be portals or even the person themselves.
Best regards
Mary Rodwell
5/26/2012 Theresa saw one set of Almond shaped eyes in front of me, then later two sets in front of her.
I wanted to share the ever growing mysteries of the visitations or images/visions some of us do receive whether it be eyes open or closed of the beings whatever races they are? This happened to me recently during my meditation session at work and though a lot of my meditation visions i see are not always the clearest..this truly was.
And of course the meaning of this as i was going to meditate on about my back that has been killing me and doctor visits are a must of late, but i had changed my mind and wanted to instead meditate on a photo i took recently. Maybe the vision had something to do with my back?
12/21/2013 Theresa would wake up and see a written Clairvoyant message that said “THE UFO WILL BE HERE SOON”
It is now April of 2016 and there has been no communication that I have been aware of with anything to do with these beings since my last vision in 2013.
The other night I experienced a dream that upon awakening I wondered because at one point in the dream I saw a small ship and a large lighted Crystal. The dream became very real at one point till the end and it was then in thinking about it that i started to wonder if they are back? Here is the dream I experienced and I will note in some dreams at some points they have become very realistic at some points within the dream.
4/26/2016 (Dream) I am in a room and people are after me, and then once the leader got to me the door opened and a bright light was shining through. This large Crystal looking mass with points on it appeared and came through the door.
It was at that point the scene changed and I looked up and saw a small 2 foot by 2 foot flying craft appear over head and then I heard a voice say “Lets have fun” and i thought the small craft was going to hurt me as it flew over my head.
Then the voice said “Boy and Girl” or “Boy and Boy” and a solid white wall was put directly in front of my face and I could not talk nor move.
I then felt a touch on my head and then a pop noise like the sound of a nail gun. Then another touch on the other side of my head and the Pop sound the same as the other. I woke up after that dream and it felt so realistic once the white screen was put in front of my face.
8/9/2015Early this morning we are sleeping and I woke up and my Clairvoyance activated and i saw a bright lit backdrop and i saw foreign like writing in my minds eye. It came in as clear as day then vanished, then came back in again and vanished and even a third time came in and vanished. I really need a pen and paper at bedside for times like this so i can try to figure out the writing but it looked like wavy lines or squiggly lines with detached partial ones near it.
I have just looked through a few styles of different countries writings and while its close on some..but without me putting this to paper immediately after i see the vision it’s not much help. So now about 30 mins ago Theresa tells me that when i got up early to go to the bathroom in the dark she said the E.T. looking eyes were in the room up near the corner and she has not seen them since January 31 of 2012.
Now i wonder was this symbol or foreign word i was shown have anything to do with them and Will those eyes she saw start a trend that has not been showing itself now since my last sighting of a being in our room on 4/4/2012? This may get interesting again…or maybe nothing will come of it for now.
4/30/2016 I woke up in the early morning and my Closed eye Clairvoyance started showing me the squiggly images again like writings that i had not seen in since we had our visitations.
As I update this now in the later months of 2022, to my knowledge I have not experienced anything related to the visitations of the past.