This page Experiencing Clairvoyance 2012 lists my, mostly closed eye experiences in the year 2012

1/6/2012– light in my eyes then dimmed out.


1/22/2012 I saw small black letters then blue..then a opening where a bright light was shining in. i asked for a name of who was giving this to me and it started again…the blue then black pixels constantly changing and moving.

1/24/2012 At bedtime I heard something on the rug next to me and then i felt the energy sweep up my body then my clairvoyance started working, i saw this one image 3 times but could not get it to show me clearly, then it faded out.

2/12/2012 I saw a man pour liquid into a glass and i heard “lemonade.”

2/20/2012– I saw the dark spots.

2/23/2012– I saw golden retriever puppies, then black symbols.

3/8/2012 I saw a white wall or white building then i was shown a bedroom with 2 twin beds very clean room like a hotel room. then i was shown a mack truck coming down the road towards me.

3/8/2012 That same night i saw a indian head look sideways then turn and look right at me.

3/14/2012 I saw a blonde hair guy from his back with his shirt off.

3/18/2012 I was being told abut the space challenger and i saw it blow up, then i thought Christa Mcauliffe, then i asked for more and was shown a monster with its arms out wearing a bra or a vest.

3/19/2012 Pixels started and i saw a tv screen and an alien type head showed on it.. i saw black squiggles then nothing.

3/21/2012 Both eyes lit up with my eyes closed…then stopped.

3/23/2012 I was shown the number 2 then i heard “then the car flipped” 

3/26/2012 I was praying and before i finished i saw 3 people, 2 guys and a woman in the middle, she turned looked at them then looked at me. then she nodded “that’s right” one guy had his hand on her shoulder.

4-3/4 am 2012 This would be the first time I would have a open eyed awake vision that lasted a bit. I woke up and saw that the whole room had like a strobe light was flashing, just flashing really fast and i saw this being up inside a hole in my bedroom ceiling.

I saw It’s head and its shoulders and it was moving behind the lights there also were sparkle lights in all this and i couldn’t get a make on exactly what it was, but I believed it was Alien related. I could see white lights just flashing along with this.. Theresa got up and walked right under it going to the bathroom.

It lasted about 12 seconds then it left. i asked her when she walked out of the bathroom if she saw it and she said she did not. it was about a 3 foot long by 2 1/2 foot wide rectangle like image up on our white ceiling. with the ethereal e.t. experiences in our home i believe that this is what i was shown in a portal opening in my ceiling.


4/20/2012 I saw a dark profile in the corner of the room looked like a little devil with a tail. 

5/3/2012 Wonderful dream this morning which ended in my back yard and i saw two moving things behind my house. They ran into the woods..i checked it out and saw two dalmation adults. I called them over to me and one was happy..the other was skittish.

That one was nipping my hand a little bit. then about 100 feet in the air i saw this starlight shoot over me…then another. I woke up and my eyes were closed and i saw two more in my third eye just whiz past…that was so cool.


5/5/2012 Here is a better idea of what my vision i saw was recently..not using paint and clicking the wrong image with 5 sides….while they were small in my third eye and a little more spaced apart..i know it means something perhaps to the intention of the missing person i was meditating for? There is a small connection to one with bees as two people suggested honeycombs.

Clairvoyant Image I Experienced Master Image

5/28/2012 I asked what is a person i know, their path in life? and i saw me standing at the edge of a boat looking down at the water and i heard “Titanic”.


5/28/2012 Last night i went to bed and prayed and thanked God for one person i know and the clairvoyance started. My eyes lit up and i saw 8 kids dancing in a straight line, then it left. Also though very dim it looked like i was being shown a old city like ruins maybe, this is what my mind was telling me…but it was faded so i couldn’t tell clearly.

Later in the evening Theresa woke up to a faded head wearing a hat and she saw the almond shaped eyes in front of my face. She woke up later and saw above her two sets of eyes the almond ones looking at her…faces not clear. Perhaps another visitation?? Today i was talking with my friend and it seems like she is confirming some of the things that i saw last night with her gifts.


5/31/2012 About a missing girl in Hartford Connecticut I saw a woman sitting with a dog on her lap then another dog jumped on the other dog and lied on top of it.

6/1/2012 I was in bed and i closed my eyes and I saw route 291 in Springfield Massachusetts with cop cars and ambulance lights all over the place.

6/12/2012 I was in bed and i asked for E.T. information? I was shown blurry like landscapes i opened my eyes and i still could partially see it.

6/15/2012 I was going over a river near land….i asked “where is the woman?”


Theresa Clairvoyant Vision Master Image

7/1/2012 I woke up with a terrible stomach ache and when i got out of the bathroom..i didn’t get sick..my clairvoyance went nuts…the light in my eyes was clear and moving outward, then i was getting dizzy and i saw a hooded figure walking.

8/12/2012 I woke up and then closed my eyes and then my eyes lit up and the whole backdrop was pure white…then a ton of very tiny images appeared all over the front of it..but i don’t know what the images were.

9/7/2012 In the vision it was white…then i saw a faint image of a small head of something.

10/7/2012 I saw the light in my eyes then a beings head came in looked weird like a gill man but he had webs and spikes on the sides of his head.

10-7-2012-meditation-being Master Image