I was attending a Mediumship course in Connecticut in 2008 and one of the students said that she had an intuition and she said for me when I get home take a photo at my cabinet and there would be a indian spirit there.

I did and this white image never seen before showed up and to me it looks like a arm of sorts holding something up in the air, like a bowl. On the head area it shows basically the eye as its only real feature. Two different shots taken both slightly different here is another example of the strange images that show up in this cabinet or reflecting off the cabinet.

In future photos you will start to see human spirits appearing while taking aim here and they are not anyone in my home or myself.

The images are not reflections of myself or anything that is a known object or image that is in my home or other places. Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.

Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the Olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera. All images seen are what i see and may not reflect what your eyes see or don’t see.

Spirit In The Cabinet Master Image

Like before I snapped a photo and something shows up that has never been seen before.

Spirit In The Cabinet Second Photo Master Image

Another photo snapped with same image, but minor differences on image.

Spirit Image Raising An Object Up Master Image
Spirit In Cabinet Second Image Holding Up Object Master Image