4/21/2024 (A.M. Dream) I am walking outside and my ArchAngel Michael Necklace broke.

4/21/2024 After I woke up, I took my dog out to pee and I noticed my ArchAngel Michael necklace had broke. It had been quite a while since I had experienced any Intuitive dreams, especially those that came true just hours afterwards.

That really made me think hard at what that all meant, my girlfriend said that I must be under a Spiritual Attack. Along with that coming true with the dream I experienced really made me think.

4/21/2024 (A.M. Dream) I am walking up to my present home and I noticed there were many loafs of bread on the roof. As I walked towards the garage I saw my previous red Honda vehicle covered in a lot of dust, like it was sitting there untouched for many years.

My thoughts were of my girlfriend’s deceased Spiritual Teacher as my old Plate had significance with the number 591 As I rubbed the dust off the Vehicle plate it was not the 591 number I thought I would see, but it read 222.

Most of my number dreams are Lottery dreams, but this time I felt that the #222 was more of an Angel message, like I used to receive years ago. The message made perfect sense in some areas of my life at the moment. This really feels like Divine guidance was back in my life with these experiences and I will take note.