Hot Water Tank master image

Ooh those past connections, and for all the years I have taken notes on my dreams, whether they proved to be on the Intuitive side or not, I have always learned from them. I will give an example of what just transpired recently as I posted a dream I experienced back in January of 2023 on Social media.

Here is the dream as I documented it on my website back in January of this year.

1/14/2023 (Dream) Where I lived had a big flood of water in the cellar, I saw this small hole where it was coming out and I put my hand to stop the leaking, but it was coming out around it as well. I said i would need a kit to stop the flood coming in and I was worried about my items on the cellar floor.

This dream is a scary one as this could happen to me or anyone that I know? Or it may not happen at all, but I wonder if this is about my Hot Water Heater having a major issue and I just received the warning?

While some dreams seem out there and others not so much, it never occurred to me in this dream that I knew in the dream I had lived there and that a cellar was present to where all the water was flowing on the cement floor.

I was so stuck on the possibility that this was going to take place at my home, where I do not own a cellar in my home, but the Hot Water Tank is located in my garage. And yes I have items on the floor that I would not want to get wet. If I would of really thought about that, I would of stopped and thought Who do I know that has a cellar and a hot water tank located down there?

The thought never crossed my mind that it could of been my Ex-Wife who has this exact setup in her home. I lived there so I know very well how its laid out down there. I was told that water did end up on the floor but it was not a major flood as in my dream.

For sure I believed it was going to be a Hot Water Tank issue somewhere as I posted, but who? After we lost hot water a few weeks ago, because the switch was somehow tripped to the hot water heater, I just chalked it up to that. Still not thinking of my ex-wife.

We communicate periodically and when she just recently told me her Hot Water Tank was shot, It all came together for me and my dream. I shook my head and realize that of course I could still have dreams of her now, even though we are not together, why not? I just need to remember that fact and I could of given her a warning ahead of time, but it was not meant to be, this time.

Here is her proposal that she received for a new Hot Water Tank

Intuitive Dream Confirm 2023 master image

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