The Dream Of A Woman Master Image

It’s hard to fathom and wonder why specific dreams happen when they do? The Dream Of A Woman is another such example in my life where a person from my past arrives in my dream and comes at a time in the year where a specific importance to that person arrives. The only thing that makes sense as to why I had this dream early this morning was perhaps my ex co worker’s Birthday is just a few weeks away and I am somehow connecting in the dream state?

As always it’s the last dream of the morning which has over the years made the most sense in the fact that the truth has shown itself in that last dream. Here is the dream as I remember it and it seemed to last awhile.

3/10/2023 (Early A.M. Dream) I am in a vehicle driving to find a parking spot, she is standing outside and as I tried to park the vehicle there was not a good spot to where I was trying. I stopped at one spot and realized it was on a slant to which I thought anyone could just push my vehicle and it would tip over and roll down the hill.

I proceeded to drive down the hill on the road to find a better parking spot but even with that area I saw nothing but water surrounding both sides of the road, like major flooding. The scene switched and I was in a room, she was sitting at a table with two men and I was over on the other side of the room.

I heard her say that a specific person has been very kind to her and some think she should be with him as the 3 of them did shots together. While I was on the other side of the room, I was watching a woman do a sketch of a landscape and I told her that I loved watching her do that. Then I laid down on a bed that was in that part of the room and a curly haired blonde woman did as well and snuggled up next to me.

The scene switched again as I found myself outside and walking in the back yard of the property and then I saw her as she was being called by a guy in the yard next to where we were originally. She walked over, then as I was heading in the home I saw a large black Pick Up Truck pull in the driveway. She got out of the passenger side and it was then I realized that I never got the chance to tell her how I really felt.

I could not get back to sleep after this dream, because it confused me in a few ways, but most of all I did in reality get the chance to tell her how I felt some years back. I am sure there are some instances in this dream of reality as in prior years I was able to pick up on some of her personal life in my dreams, that were confirmed at a later date.

I attributed that to being in love with her and the Universe supported that, but now I can’t fathom why I would have this dream when I have not thought of her at all? The Dream Of A woman may have elements of prophecies in them, but in this instance, I will never know?

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