Ex Co worker has surgery, master image

2/24/2023 I experienced a dream sequence where 4 of my ex co workers I worked with back in 2014 were shown to me in different scenarios, then I woke up. First I was shown Patrick as he was welding something as I watched him, then I saw Steve as he walked by and I said “Tony there is Medium!” Then the scene changed and I saw Laura and she was just kind of dancing in place by herself.

I texted Tony on 2/25/2023 and asked him what is going on as I told him about the dream and who was in it? He proceeded to tell me that Patrick just had open heart surgery and is ok now. He also stated that Laura is working with him now on planning a trip for the Company.

As for Steve he never said, somehow I believe I was just picking up on my old co workers from years ago and what is going on in their lives, nothing major as far as large event dreams go, but perhaps picking up some info from the Universe as these were just some of the workers I worked with, but more importantly some of them were very important in my life.


Dream Confirmation with a text, master image

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