The Owl Commune Dream master image

It’s 1/17/2023 and I wanted to make note of a recent dream I experienced which was nothing that I had ever experienced in my lifetime. Over the years I have seen Owls in person in my life which led to me to know they are warnings. I have experienced dreams of owls where they have shown me death. This time I recently had a dream where I saw a large commune of Owls in my dream and I was astonished when I woke up to even think what that meant?

1/15/2023 (Dream) I was with a few people and I was sitting in a chair that floated upwards along side of a hill. As I floated upwards there was a plateau that leveled off and to my surprise I saw about 60-80 Owls just standing there. I didn’t want to get to close so I veered off to give them space when 1 of them flew towards me but flew to the side. I wanted to take a photo so I went back to the car, but my camera was in a weird condition and didn’t work.
The Consensus is perhaps there will be an event where multiple people die and for each owl I saw there will be a death of a large amount of people? It is known in my belief that I will not use this dream for the Russia Conflict with Ukraine as the dream is just to general and did not have any specific details with it, other than the fact that owls mean death is coming. It may have everything to do with it, but I just can’t confirm this as I will wait for some other tragic event to happen and the large amount of owls will make their way.

The Owl Commune Dream master image

My friend on Social Media replied back to me on my Owl dream and it made so much sense in the fact that in the past some of my interactions with people that I have assisted had gone sour due to getting too close to them as Friends.

Facebook Friend Owl Reply master image

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