I decided to add this Prophetic dream as it would seem after 15 years of studying my dreams, I am still learning how to interpret them. The one aspect of my latest dream that came true was the setting was in Black N White.

Upon waking up, my thoughts were to think this was in the past, like the 1940’s-1960’s, but then later realized that it was impossible as my sister was in the dream and her daughter who was born in the late 1970’s.

What made this Prophetic dream of death interesting was that I was never shown who or what was in the coffin, as it was not meant for me to know? Also I would find out that it was not my deceased Niece who was crying badly at the head of the casket, but my sister’s grand daughter who looked just like my niece at the same age. 

The start of my 2023 year started out with death, but in that it showed me that a family member I never met in person has so much love for a family pet, and gave me a beautiful reminder that we are all here to experience all the emotions of happiness and sadness.

Here is the side by side image of my deceased niece and her niece as they do share the same likeness in looks.


Aunt And Niece at young age master image


1/19/2023 I got out of work and came home and did the usual stuff, but today was different in that in my thoughts I heard the name “Tim Coyne” told to me. Tim Coyne was someone who lived with his wife Sheryl in the condo development across the street from me in the early 1990’s.

I have moved on since then, long gone from living in Massachusetts and now live much further south. I had seen Tim a few times when I used to visit Pizzeria Uno in Springfield Massachusetts, but never really had any conversation with him. It was his wife Sheryl that I met when she was walking her dog next to my condo in the parking lot that we had a wonderful conversation.

The talk lasted about 10 minutes and I could feel that she was a very kind woman, and in that I never had the chance to see her again. Fast forward to now 2023 and I am home from work and in my thoughts, call it Telepathy or Clairaudience I heard the name “Tim Coyne” told to me. I have not thought of that name in years.

I knew that he had passed tragically in a car accident with his wife Sheryl’s father many years ago, so I googled him and saw the obituary. Next I decided to Google Sheryl’s name and to my surprise I saw that she had died on January 19 2019. To this very day that I heard her husbands name in my thoughts, I never knew that Sheryl had passed?

I listened to this message and know that is a very important one for me to reflect on in that I feel I should honor her by posting her memory and thank the Universe for leading me, in a confirmation to the exact day for finding this tragic story out. 365 days in a year and I find this out today on the Anniversary of her death which was sadly a Breast Cancer Death.

I will go to bed tonight and pray for her Spirit and Soul and wish her the best wherever she may be tonight.

Sheryl (Panek) Coyne Obituary Click Here!



Back in February of 2022 I posted a closed eye awake Clairvoyant Experience where I saw a demon image, and that was something I had never seen before. Recently I sat on the bed and took a photo of myself at a mirror like I did many years ago just to see if anything would transpire. I took a total of 7 photos and one of them which was taken in the distance showed something very telling.

Due to privacy reasons I will only show the lower chin area of myself, my hand and the Cell Phone which took the photo off of the mirror, along with the neck area of my body. This image was taken at a distance of about 9 feet from the mirror. Upon enlarging the image I can clearly see a body, the bodie’s head has a beard and I can see a long nose and horns on it’s head.

I will show another aspect soon of a young boys head that showed along the bottom of the image, and a male and female in the image as well. Of course not everyone will be able to see what I see, but what I see is very clear. 

The image shows my lower jaw area and below is the bearded, what looks like a demon or troll looking thing. My hand holding the phone is showing to the left of the image as I took the photo at a mirror and enlarged it.

Demon Or Troll Looking Image Taken Off Mirror Master Image
Demon Or Troll Looking Image Taken Off Mirror Master Image
Demon Or Troll Looking Image Taken Off Mirror Master Image


5/2/2023 I have been putting off for quite some time getting back to my roots of meditating and communicating with Spirit. Mainly my Guides and Angels, and in this I am focused once again to continue my life journey and do whatever Spirit leads me to do for the cause of assisting others.


I was shown a tall building around other buildings, I thought at first it was a large steeple, but it could of been a tower? The Clairvoyant vision was faded, and seconds later I saw a side profile of a face. If this was the tower vision like I had in a dream some years back it could represent?

The Tower is the 16th trump or Major Arcana card in most Italian-suited tarot decks. It has been used in Tarot cards since the 15th century as well as in divination since the mid-19th century.
Depiction: The image of the Tower card is powerful, depicting a solid tower being struck by lightning, and fire crawling out from the small windows at its top.
Meaning: The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforseen change.
2023 meditation experiences click here!