The card “Truth And Integrity” was drawn for me for an Angel Oracle Reading. The meaning, You are guided to be very honest with yourself and to be true to myself in all my activities and actions. It is interesting as my Spiritual Teacher told me the same thing.

The Angels say “let go of anything unauthentic and all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions for yourself. If something in my life isn’t working be willing to release it to God and the Angels.

When we open our hands and release unhealthful situations, the Divine Light can enter. Miracles always follow when we surrender troubling conditions. You will find that health issues heal rapidly in ways that you could never have imagined. All along the way the Angels will perfectly guide you to actions that will help you or replace the situation with something better, or heal it entirely. Expect a miracle when you decide to be true to you.

1/22/2009 If there is one thing I trust it is Theresa’s open eye visions and this one I have no idea whatsoever the intent of what was going on? She said she saw a faint beam of light coming from a blob on the ceiling that was projecting down to my chest.

1/22/2009 I brought my camera into my favorite restaurant bar and finally started to speak my truth about what had transpired with the vision in 2008 and the photo I captured. How interesting a woman next to me over heard me talking about the Alien looking image on the camera and she stated she believes 100%.

 Theresa had heavy action in the bedroom with Spirits, I saged the home and didn’t record anything unusual with my digital recorder. When we had dinner I looked over at the sunroom area and as soon as I made eye contact a spirit light the size of a quarter moved to the right and left.

At 9:00pm I was at my computer and I saw a light flash to my right.


Does this mean anything in the grand scheme of things related to our experiences? I am not sure? But who really knows why I had this now when all of last year I did not.

(Dream) I was in a house, my sister came to me upset. I couldn’t understand what she was saying and I told her to speak clearer. She said An E.T. was in the house, so I went down the hallway and there he was, a 2 1/2 foot tall et with a long neck. He was running towards me, I picked him up and held him and I went to get my camera to get a picture of him.


Back on 8/13/2009 I went to a Precipitated Art Seance with Hoyt Robinette. Hoyt sits in front of a bunch of people in the light and right in front of you and places blank white cards and markers, pens, crayons in a tight woven basket and Spirit over the course of the next hour creates these beautiful cards with our guides names on the back along with our loved ones.

There are also tiny images that form as well if you look good enough you can distinguish them. On the front of the card is a photo, which could be one of your guides, a family member whoever hoyt says will be on the card when he opens the basket and gives it to you.

There are those who call Hoyt a fake and there are those who swear by him that the cards are not pre done prior and he slips them inside the basket with a slight of hand. I will be honest and say I have tried to tell if he has done anything suspicious with this and I have never seen anything that makes me feel he is somehow placing a set of cards inside the basket when the basket is in full light in front of everyone and never leaves our view.

In this section of my Journey here I want to focus on Adele who amazingly reads these cards and I note saw everything I saw in my first spirit photo that I ever captured in 2007. She went on to make one of the greatest predictions of my lifetime that transpired not long afterwards.

My purpose for posting this is to share some things she mentions about the card and the messages she receives for me. Some of these messages rang true and while some people won’t see some of the images we see, some may see them.

Here is the card I received as I was told this is my Joy Guide and I will also note a very important aspect about her on the card and myself at the time and throughout my life which was dead on correct by the Medium.

In some ways these cards are not much different than my photography in that there are images that just appear on the card or the photos. Here is some audio files of my reading and some very interesting facts she mentions as well.


joy guide front master Image
joy guide back master image


Adele predicts I will find a body and a mention of hearing about it on TV was exactly how I heard about it. I went searching for the missing person but he was on private property. While I never found that body, I appreciated the fact that in my entire life I finally had the opportunity to search on my own for one. I believe she was right on almost everything she said to me, it’s just that how the message was relayed back to me varied in exacts.

My reading with her was November of 2008 and the person went missing happened on April 20, 2009. She predicted around March of 2009, I did contact the wife of the missing man and proceeded to search for him. I believe that is what she meant about someone will have me look for the body, as the wife approved of me doing this for her and her family. She would be correct too on me joining a group that try to find missing people.

Precipitated Art Card The Body Master Image



 4/20/2009 A pickup truck accident on the highway not far from where I lived occured, I drive by that spot every day to work. When Adele mentioned to me back in November of 2008 that I would find a body, I thought it has to be a place where I frequent and it turned out to be along that highway. Here is the write up about that accident and the deceased.

Read one of the Articles- HERE

Read an Article- HERE

5/10/2009 I searched an area and found a cell phone in the woods and turned it over to the police, but it was not the missing man’s cell phone. Because I was not on Mass Mutual’s property itself I never found the missing man.

5/13/2009 Day 2 search I came up with nothing again, but at night I thought about the missing person, then I closed my eyes and saw faint images in the woods. I saw a white home from my view in the woods. I saw other areas, even a clearing but i couldn’t tell anything concrete.

5/15/2009 I asked Spirit to help me about Jody King, I saw a faint image of a dog standing in the water, maybe a lab, it was a quick image flashed to me. After that it looked like a small image of a windshield and something in the middle, it was small. I needed it to be bigger as it was trying to form for about 6-7 seconds.